Boris Asks Queen To Suspend Parliament For Month Before Brexit – IOTW Report

Boris Asks Queen To Suspend Parliament For Month Before Brexit

Business Insider

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has asked the Queen to suspend Parliament just days after it returns from summer recess next week, until mid-October, to force through a no-deal Brexit.

Johnson on Wednesday morning asked the monarch to prorogue Parliament on September 9, just days after members return from their summer break, until October 14. More

Given The UK’s constitutional monarchy, the Queen will have to grant the PM’s request. Here

7 Comments on Boris Asks Queen To Suspend Parliament For Month Before Brexit

  1. Cliche, I thought the same thing. Drag it out until there’s some way to nullify the vote. They don’t have to worry about armed citizens storming the place, they have unarmed subjects.

  2. Well, generally I think a governing body not doing anything. Is a good thing.
    Unless what they are supposed to now be doing, under new executive leadership, is canceling things they had done in the past that mostly screwed stuff up.

    In this case they are trying to do the undemocratic thing of defying the nation’s vote to Brexit. Not cancelling their previous screw up of joining the EU. Who is being the more undemocratic is easily determined.


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