Boss Tells Employees To Wear Masks During Virtual Meetings Because People Fear Maskless People – IOTW Report

Boss Tells Employees To Wear Masks During Virtual Meetings Because People Fear Maskless People

27 Comments on Boss Tells Employees To Wear Masks During Virtual Meetings Because People Fear Maskless People

  1. Maybe you shouldn’t be a “team member” if yer afraid of maskless people on TV!

    Stop working for us and just be left alone to watch re-runs of The Lone Ranger!
    At least that how people from my generation roll.

  2. Do us all a favor and check yourselves into the nearest mental institution.

    The mask 😷 muzzle Nazi’s are never going to let this go.

    Went to the grocery store the other day and almost everyone was masked. 🀬

    This psychosis will have decade’s of ramifications seen and yet unseen.

  3. Miss Kitty JANUARY 5, 2022 AT 10:17 AM

    Alrighty then, reopen all the mental asylums and then we’ll all have a place to go.

    There’s certainly too many of the crazies to put in the institutions so we’ll be the ones taking up residence there.

  4. So I was standing in line at the PO and a man in front of me was maskless. He starts looking around, fidgeting, then he asked a postal worker if they had a mask. She got him one, he put it on, and that was that. He messed with the mask, wiped his nose on the mask, touched the railings with his hands. Oh, the postal person handed him the mask bare handed, it was contaminated. The maskless woman standing behind me rolled her eyes. No one has said a word to me about putting a mask on. I won’t either.

  5. Normalizing and acquiescing to the insane among us, is insanity itself. That is exactly what I would tell the boss…… and have in the past.

  6. fuck’em. I’ve been going everywhere maskless, in a state that requires masks everywhere, and so far no one has said a word to me. I do however get the death stare. I just know if I talked to one of those people staring at me they’d run away in fear while yelling, “I hope you DIE!!” It’s nice to get actual full face smiles from the occasional maskless person I run into on my adventures.

    Never did I think I’d be a 3rd rate citizen for the crime of breathing in my home-of-the-free country. But the way I look at it, as a cisgendered non-diverse male racis cracker, it would pretty much be that way without the coof anyways.

  7. I would tell the boss, wearing a mask makes my nose run because of re-breathing the hot air, and I “fear breathing too much CO2”.
    Also, I fear people with mask. Criminals wear mask.

  8. wouldn’t it be easier to just have the crazy person cover their computer screen?
    Not only has the boss pointed out that he hires idiots, he has shown himself to be one too

  9. Don’t you love how socializm’s biggest effort is making everyone’s problems everyone else’s problem?
    I’d tell them to tape a sheet of paper over the lower half of their monitor.
    Problem solved by the problem itself!

  10. Really? Ashleigh Leighann Davidson-Greene is the boss’s name?

    I’m willing to believe a female boss with a hyphenated last name would do this. But I’m not sure her parents really named her Ashleigh Leighann.

    And never mind about masks, that guy needs a shirt.

  11. Oh great! Fatal narcissism coupled with mass formation psychosis!

    I’d do ten better and upstage the psychotics who karened me. I’d show up at the next zoom meeting wearing a full-on, lab-approved, ebola suit, WITH external air supply. Try to top this you whining, concern-trolling, afraid-of-the-elastic-in-your-underwear, hypochondrical, anti-science, ridiculous pussies! Ya should put some ice on it.

    “Can ya hear me now?! What? What?!”

  12. The boss’s name, “Ashleigh Leighann Davidson-Green” sounds like one of those over compensating names men-who-think-they’re-women choose after they lop their junk off and change their names from Steve or Bob.



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