Boston’s Democrat Mayor Compares NYC’s Covid Vaccine Mandate to Slavery, Jim Crow Era – IOTW Report

Boston’s Democrat Mayor Compares NYC’s Covid Vaccine Mandate to Slavery, Jim Crow Era

GP: Boston Mayor Kim Janey (D) blasted NYC Mayor de Blasio’s fascist vaccine mandate and compared it to slavery and the Jim Crow era.

New York City is mandating proof of vaccination for people to enter certain indoor businesses.

The businesses being targeted will include restaurants, entertainment venues and gyms.

Psaki said the Biden White House supports NYC’s decision to force people to show their papers before entering a restaurant or gym.

Mayor Janey says she is encouraging people to get the Covid jab but blasted Bill de Blasio for imposing a mandate.

“We want to make sure that we are giving every opportunity for folks to get vaccinated. When it comes to what businesses may choose to do, we know that those types of things are difficult to enforce when it comes to vaccine,” Janey told WCVB.

16 Comments on Boston’s Democrat Mayor Compares NYC’s Covid Vaccine Mandate to Slavery, Jim Crow Era

  1. Maybe now that the “the vaccine is racist” argument is being made this crap will end.

    Besides, if blacks can’t figure out how to get ID’s, how are they going to figure out how to get the vaccine?

  2. DeBlasio is just, well, nuts. I live outside NYC, and I have no interest in visiting the filthy, crime-ridden hell-hole he created. To entice people to come back he then bans them from going out to eat if they don’t have the jab (that now appears not to be working – everybody line up for your booster). Like our illustrious president, I am not sure he is cognizant. Wouldn’t do something this stupid if he were.

    Hurray for the mayor of Boston!


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