Both the Houston Rockets and the NBA Promote Pic of Star Player Wearing Pro-Police Face Mask – IOTW Report

Both the Houston Rockets and the NBA Promote Pic of Star Player Wearing Pro-Police Face Mask

The Houston Rockets and the NBA promoted a picture on Thursday featuring star shooting guard James Harden wearing a face mask with the pro-police “Thin Blue Line” on an American flag.

One has to wonder if the NBA is doing a mea culpa here, after the last year of utterly politicizing itself, from the idea of putting “social justice” messages on jerseys to cowering to China by criticizing the Free Hong Kong statement last Fall (which, ironically, involved the Rockets as well).
Here are the pictures

19 Comments on Both the Houston Rockets and the NBA Promote Pic of Star Player Wearing Pro-Police Face Mask

  1. “There is such a thing as contrition and redemption. Not sure the NBA is there yet.“

    Contrition and redemption on a corporate level involves firings, demotions and public apologies. Any of those yet?

  2. Hopefully some NBA players accidentally got a little bit of education once they left the Colleges where their asses were kissed to play with balls.

    The rockets are probably testing the waters to see what side of the argument pays more $$$$.

    I doubt it will stick.

  3. Maybe some of these ‘woke’ sports are beginning to get some very negative feedback and are reconsidering their SJW credentials. BLM is a Marxist hate group and anyone who associates with them is scum.


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