Both Your Sculptures Suck – IOTW Report

Both Your Sculptures Suck


Earlier this week a stainless steel outdoor sculpture, “Cloud Column” by Anish Kapoor, was installed in front of Houston’s Glassell School of Art. Chicago took notice and immediately attacked Houston for being second rate by trying to copy the Windy City’s “Cloud Gate.” More

The insults thrown back and forth over which city had the better silver “bean” got personal on Twitter as Houston’s Kapoor piece was being compared to a “vibrator” and “suppository.”

22 Comments on Both Your Sculptures Suck

  1. Was Pottery Barn out of gazing balls?

    “Cloud Timer”. I like it. Should be worth at least a 7 figure NEA grant. It could “ding” every hour. Then resell it to the Muslims and make it ding 5 times a day. That’s efficient art.

    In seven years, Houston will overtake Chicago as the third largest city in America.

    Could be six years if the murder rate holds up.

  2. Placing this 30′ tall vagina in the Montrose is a stroke of genius. So to be fair the next statue should be a 30′ tall penis. For readers that don’t know Montrose is the center for the gay community of Houston. But what do you expect from a city that continues to elect the likes of Sheila Jackson Lee and Al Green. I’m moving to Kentucky as soon as my bride retires and it can’t be soon enough. Houston was a pretty good town until about 20 years ago.

  3. I am opposed to publicly funded art in any form. If someone wants to donate art, that’s fine, but not one dollar of taxpayer money. NEA should be completely defended.

  4. #22 on the list of 45 Declared Goals for the The Communist Takeover Of America:

    22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”

  5. I’m with Claudia on this. No way they installed something that hideous because they simply found it to be ‘artistically pleasing’.

    A giant iron jelly bean vs the giant iron almond. I mean really.

  6. All over the country public employee’s pension funds are going broke but employed government workers always comes up with money for this kinda shit? Remember this when broke and retired public employees come to voters for a bail out.


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