Bourbon Street Massacre Is Partially the Responsibility of Most Incompetent Police Chief in the Nation – IOTW Report

Bourbon Street Massacre Is Partially the Responsibility of Most Incompetent Police Chief in the Nation

Whiskey Riff

New Orleans Police Department Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick made the stunning admission today while speaking with reporters about the safety plan for Bourbon Street going forward. Kirkpatrick was explaining the yellow “archers” that have been set up on Bourbon Street to protect the sidewalk from vehicle traffic, and was asked why they weren’t in use on New Year’s Eve:

“We have them. I didn’t know about them, but we have them, and so we have been able now to put them out.”


Kirkpatrick was fired from her previous job, Chief of Police for Oakland. Here

21 Comments on Bourbon Street Massacre Is Partially the Responsibility of Most Incompetent Police Chief in the Nation

  1. Once again, I must ask… Why do the police chief and DA of every major city in the US have to be a midwit black, woman, or homosexual? Why must these key jobs always be in the hands of worthless assholes?

  2. “Bourbon Street Massacre Is Partially the Responsibility of Most Incompetent Police Chief in the Nation ”

    Totally disagree. This dumb old whacked in the head bitch just provided the opportunity. And sure enough the powers to be jumped on it. And they’re just warming up.

  3. Who would have known those barriers were down. Who would have known to take advantage of them? Sure as hell wasn’t some activated moozy terrorist cell.

    You don’t think Jabbar didn’t survey security himself before taking his rented pickup for a spin? The man was former military. – Dr. Tar

  4. This bint wants people to FEEL safe and know they are CONFIDET…ly safe.

    The hell does this sentence even mean?

    Confidently is an adverb, it can be used to modify another adverb. However safe is another adverb, specifically what is known as a flat adverb. Is she maybe warming up for a run for VP in a few years.

  5. For Christ’s sake you couldn’t script a more accurate mockery of what passes for Police Chief in any Democrat run shithole than this totally unqualified, obvious, affirmative action appointment uttering those words. The hell of it is, even before seeing what the morons in elected office had hired and heard the words and observed the mannerisms we all knew full well what was in store. Progressivism has never had an original thought, it is 100% derivative and it’s ludicrous to expect anything that does not support the agenda dejoure. There is absolutely nothing in progressivism that requires any talent or intelligence whatsoever. Everything is nothing but a monkey see, monkey do spectacle. These assholes know nothing but following the same script.

  6. She doesn’t accept any responsibility whatsoever, not respect. God knows the bitch would not only accept respect, she would demand respect as would those responsible for her being placed in a position she is demonstrably not only unqualified and unsuited for, but her being in that position is antithetical to making a good faith effort to protect and serve the public.

  7. JDHasty

    We’re totally on the same page. I’m still collecting some information. You’ll be hearing from me. But there’s something severely wrong with the thought this spec ops guy offed himself. In my mind it doesn’t fit the profile.


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