Bowling Alley Shooter in Maine Was Hearing Voices – IOTW Report

Bowling Alley Shooter in Maine Was Hearing Voices


A man shot and killed at least 16 people at a restaurant and a bowling alley in Lewiston, Maine, and then fled into the night, sparking a massive search by hundreds of officers while frightened residents in multiple communities stayed locked in their homes Thursday under a shelter-in-place advisory.

A police bulletin identified Robert Card, 40, as a person of interest in the attack that sent panicked bowlers scrambling behind pins when shots rang out around 7 p.m. Wednesday. Card was described as a firearms instructor believed to be in the Army Reserve and assigned to a training facility in Saco, Maine.


At least 22 people have been shot dead in a mass shooting and 50-60 people injured at numerous locations 

Maine massacre gunman was sectioned after ‘hearing voices’ and threatening to blow up military training base: Firearms instructor, 40, spent two weeks in mental health facility this summer

32 Comments on Bowling Alley Shooter in Maine Was Hearing Voices

  1. There is no mental health care in America any more.

    Modern psychiatry is only used to validate mental illness based on political convenience rather than attempt to cure it.

    They WANT crazy people out shooting and stabbing and suiciding.

    They WANT mass numbers of people disarmed by the government to die at the hands of the insane.

    That way you will BEG them for a heavy hand, BEG them for red flag laws, BEG them to keep the crazy away from you with all the force they can muster, then lock them away forever.

    Only thing is once they do that, they will simply redefine “crazy” as anyone who doesn’t agree with their politics and act accordingly.

    Don’t think they can? They’ve redfined “vaccine”, “recession”, “protest”, and pretty much EVERYTHING that used to be called mental illness between DSM IV and DSM V.

    They can therefore define “mental illness” to be any wrongthink they don’t like.

    See the Soviet Union for further details.

    …the ONLY way this changes is if shrinks, judges, and parole boards are made personally,financially, and criminally liable for every loon they inflict on the rest of us.

    Or die suddenly and mysteriously of lead poisoning from the shadows.

    Until that happens, expect more and worse.

    Just as they fully intend for the reasons stated above.

  2. Dear Lord, please help all those who suffer from this in their hour of need. Touch those who are injured that they may find healing, comfort those who have suffered losses, strengthen all of these people to do what must be done and to face their lives and continue as they must until Your purpose for them in this world is fulfilled. Grand all those who mourn today the Blessed Assurance that they will be reunited again before You in Heaven, and that beyond the grave lives more than memory. May those who are in great need of the Comforter on this tragic day turn to You for the strength and the faith to prevail over this evil, and be secure in the knowledge that Your Justice will be done to ALL who allowed this to happen.

    And Lord, may you bless those who mourn, those who responded, and those who treat both the living and the dead with the ability to forget things seen when all is done, lest they too be afflicted from things seen and heard. And hold your hand over those who yet pursue this man, guide them to him and protect them from harm that they may end this threat in whatever way it needs to be ended.

    And Lord, help all those who struggle today with mental illness that they may find the healing in You that they will not find in corrupt modern medicine, so that they may turn from committing a similar evil when the demons start whispering in their ear next. The healing of Man is inadequate and corrupt in this, so in great need we turn to You in whom ALL things are possible, and implore Your Mercy on this sin sick world that neither those demons nor the minions of satan that wear judges robes and senators clothes and white coats to hide their black souls, are successful in guiding the minds they have purposely weakened into further evil such as this.

    It is much to ask and I am in no way worthy to ask anything of You but by the grace granted by Blood of Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ. On that blood I implore Your Mercy and that You move where no man can move to right these wrongs and heal these bodies and souls, to Your everlasting Mercy i pray,


    God Bless,

  3. Angus King, now Senator, was Governor and closed down the two big mental health hospitals in the state. He and other lefties saw them as cruel.
    No matter the conditions, allowing this kind of thing because of feelings is as cruel as it gets.

  4. “Hearing voices”….
    Makes me wonder if the CIA/FBI was involved in grooming this individual, and what drugs did they use? (can you say, “MK ULTRA”? I knew you could, boys and girls)

  5. Within one day we “know” that the shooter was a fan of Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson (at least according to the article), but we still know almost nothing about the tranny who shot up the elementary school, and have yet to see his/her manifesto. I smell a false flag operation. What were his connections to the deep state? Why was he walking around after threatening to shoot up a military base? How did he pass a background check? Does Main have “red flag” laws?

  6. SNS, I normally don’t read your long screeds, but I have to say, God has given you a gift (and the rest of us) in your prayers. They are powerful, poignant, heart-felt, and comforting. And they always bring us back to what is important; God’s love for us and our desperate need for it. Keep up the good work.

  7. beachmom
    THURSDAY, 26 OCTOBER 2023, 9:47 AT 9:47 AM

    “No matter the conditions, allowing this kind of thing because of feelings is as cruel as it gets.”

    …I was there when they turned the local institutions inside-out like rancid socks because a fictional nurse was mean to a character Jack Nicholson played once, where they tried fiction after fiction to pretend the inmates didn’t NEED care, “community based group homes” being my favorite. I could write a book on it and have here before so I’ll spare you a repeat, other than to say that I encountered a LOT of former wards that absolutely could NOT live well on their own without being a danger to themselves or others, and the system then as now simply did not care because, politics.

    It’s no coincidence that an explosion in homelessness coincided with deinstitutionalization.

    And I logged a lot of trips to the hospital that back that up.

  8. Thank you Rich but you are too kind. I am only a broken vessel for His word, so anything good you see is Him and not me, as seen darkly through my bleary glass.

    But I appreciate the sentiment. We have our differences, but I am glad that we can agree that we can all use more of the Lord, and that at the end of the day that’s all that matters.

    I have backed way off my screeds though, so you have had and will have many threads and days where I will hold my peace. You may thank Him for that too. I am definitely in a test of that saying that He never gives you more than you can handle, but I’m pretty sure His opposite number has a heavy thumb on the scale, so please pray for me too.

    God Bless,

  9. So long as The Party finds these incidents to be useful to advancing their agenda they will not only be allowed to continued, they will provide the means and encouragement. In an environment where this wasn’t/isn’t the case the bastard would have been locked up. It really is as simple as that.

  10. This is the state of Steven King, nobody but nobody was going to pull a gun and nobody was going to go after the gunman and try to disarm him, even with a room full of men. In all fairness though bowling alleys are so noisy probably nobody knew what was going on at first.

  11. Got my tin foil hat on again.

    What was Obama said, they say something we don’t like, we punch them in the mouth? Something like that anyway.

    We’ve watched Trump get immediately prosecuted every time they go after Hunter. What are the odds?
    Yesterday they elect a MAGA speaker and some guy shoots up a bunch of people. Weird.
    I’m going with MK Ultra. And this guy know his way around an AR. They’ll be coming for your guns again.

  12. In the late ’60s a nutjob quack weirdo psychiatrist (but I repeat myself) named Thomas Szasz published a screed titled The Myth of Mental Illness arguing (successfully) that mental hospitals should be closed and inmates/patients turned out on the streets and “treated” at community mental health centers. The rest is history.


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