Boy, 13, Arrested, Cuffed And Dragged From School Over #MeToo Allegations – IOTW Report

Boy, 13, Arrested, Cuffed And Dragged From School Over #MeToo Allegations

“Her mother gave us a call and said she just found out that Keith had been inappropriately touching her daughter and she just wanted to let us know. She said, ‘I know Keith is a good kid, maybe he just went down the wrong path.’ She obviously believed her daughter. But she said it happened at the football game last week. The problem with that is, my wife was at the football game the whole time. My son was there with his girlfriend and my wife didn’t want him unattended, so she had eyes on him the whole time. My wife tells this girl’s mother, ‘that’s funny, I was there watching the whole time, he didn’t leave my sight and he was no where near your daughter,’” Dennis recalls. “He was hanging out with his girlfriend, he wasn’t running around molesting other girls.” The mother then changed the story, saying it must have been a different football game.


In a scene from #MeToo meets The Crucible, four female students have accused an eighth grade boy of sexual assault after he refused to apologize for going against political correctness.

It started off an ordinary day for eighth grader Keith Bailey until he was summoned by administrators into the vice principal’s office at a Colorado Springs, Colo. middle school. He was confused and shaken. Keith had never been in trouble at school before, save for one minor incident months ago when he made an inappropriate remark that a fellow student “looked like a school shooter.” This time, it was much more serious.

For over two hours on Wednesday afternoon, alone in her office, the vice principal grilled Keith. “He said they kept asking him the same things over and over. They were just intimidating him, asking him the same thing in different ways, asking what he did to these girls and why he did it to them. ‘Why did you do it, what did you do, when did you do it,’” Keith’s father, Dennis Bailey, says. “They were vague the whole time. They never asked anything specific.”

Only after the two hour inquisition did the school phone Keith’s parents to let them know he was being suspended. But before they did that, they called the police. By the time Keith’s father showed up at the school, his son was being cuffed and put into the back of a police car as a crowd of students stood by ogling the scene. The Baileys asked that I not publish the name of the school or the arresting officer.

According to Keith and his family, it all started a week ago when Keith and his friends were sitting around his house talking about online anonymity. Keith decided to change his Snapchat avatar into a black Bitmoji character. One of his friends, a girl, immediately noticed and within minutes told him he needed to change it back. She said it was insensitive and racist for a white person to use a black character as an avatar. Keith, stubborn as any eighth grader, laughed it off and said he wasn’t going to change it. The next day at school the girl, according to Keith, then started telling everyone he was a racist. The harassment and accusations persisted for days. Other students began threatening to beat up Keith, saying they were going to jump him after school for being ‘racist.’ Then the girl and three other female classmates took it to the next level, appearing to take a page from the Feinstein handbook on how to destroy your political enemies, they appeared before the vice principal to accuse Keith of sexual harassment and assault stemming back to the summer.


ht/ wiscodave


13 Comments on Boy, 13, Arrested, Cuffed And Dragged From School Over #MeToo Allegations

  1. I’ve been warning my son (now 15) about this sort of behavior since he was about 12 or so years old. Back then, though, it was because of the “normal” way girls can be horrifically malicious. Now, with the #metoo BS and the model of behavior and standard coming from the Dems, we just had another talk about all this crap, re-visiting the conversation about his rights, what his principal can and cannot do and so on.

    This is scary sh**, but it’s vitally important to know your rights, demand them and teach your children to do the same.

  2. don’t need to present a time, a place, witnesses, evidence, motive …. brilliant, actually

    J’accuse! … that’s all that is needed for the socialist mob to convict … & punish
    only one accuser? … no problem, we’ll get more … truth? what’s that got to do w/ it? … it’s the accusation that’s important, & if you defend you’re obviously guilty … shades of Stalin!

    the Socialists have done a very good job of changing the culture of the freedoms granted by the US Constitution … & we are backpedaling & defending … when you’re defending, you’re losing

    time to start hitting back!

  3. I blame the women obviously, but I blame all the idiots more. Lying women and girls should be humiliated and every accusation from any woman or girl should be questioned.
    Sorry women, especially liberal women/feminists who say women shouldn’t be victimized twice, your metoo movement has made it where it should be the case no woman/girl should be believed without concrete proof.

  4. asked that I not publish the name of the school or the arresting officer

    Because there’s patriots, and oath keepers, and lone wolves, and stuff? That are sworn to cleaning up their own mess? To showing the public that above the law, doesn’t mean beyond justice? Oh… joy!

  5. I hope a good attorney contacts these parents ASAP. Interrogating a 13 year old kid for 2 hours before contacting the parents? These parents should own that school by the time this is over.

  6. And women wonder why MGTOW exists. Even if everything is consensual -this minute – from now on, no matter how good a person he is, a man can’t consider himself safe from an accusation for the rest of his life.

    Lefties, this will come back and bite you on the ass when YOUR precious little boy becomes the target. And it will.


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