Boy, 5, trapped in deep well has died – IOTW Report

Boy, 5, trapped in deep well has died


The Moroccan royal palace said Saturday that a 5-year-old boy who was trapped in a deep well for four days has died.

Moroccan King Mohammed VI expressed his condolences to the boy’s parents in a statement released by the palace.

The boy, Rayan, was pulled out Saturday night by rescuers after a lengthy operation that captivated global attention.

An Associated Press reporter at the scene saw the boy wrapped in a yellow blanket after he emerged from a tunnel dug specifically for the rescue.

His parents had been escorted to an ambulance before the boy emerged. His plight had captured worldwide attention.

Online messages of support and concern for the boy poured in from around the world as the rescue efforts dragged through the night.

Rescuers used a rope to send oxygen and water down to the boy as well as a camera to monitor him. By Saturday morning, the head of the rescue committee, Abdelhadi Temrani, said: “It is not possible to determine the child’s condition at all at this time. But we hope to God that the child is alive.”


16 Comments on Boy, 5, trapped in deep well has died

  1. The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. ~KJV

    My prayer is that the child did not suffer and that the Angels of the Lord were there with him.

  2. AbigailAdams
    FEBRUARY 5, 2022 AT 6:41 PM
    “The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. ~KJV

    My prayer is that the child did not suffer and that the Angels of the Lord were there with him.”

    …probably renal or hepatic failure from dehydration. Kidneys and livers don’t like to be dry very long, and I don’t know what the state of dialysis is in Morocco, my guess would be not great, but even so some damage could be irreversible, like hepatic encephalopathy stemming from the dehydrative liver failure.

    Also, trauma from the fall, possible transient clotting from the fall or the subsequent limited mobility, exposure, dysentery or other diseases from the water and/or the prolonged contact/immersion in it, or maybe long-term anoxia caused heart damage before they found him and started delivering oxygen, all sorts of fun endings.

    Yeah, I’m a terrible comfort guy.

    …that’s always been something I struggle with on my faith walk.

    I’ve never seen a dead or dying child that made any sense.

    I know the platitudes. I’ve used the platitudes. “At least they didn’t suffer”. “At least their suffering is over”. “At least they drew the family closer together”.

    …doesn’t mean I ever believed it.

    Except maybe abuse cases.

    In which case I think it would have been a better demonstration of the power and mercy of the Lord, had he smited the abuser instead…

    Not even sure who to pray for here. The deceased no longer needs them. It may be the family stupidity that got him in trouble to begin with. IDK.

    I struggle with this. Always have, and I fear always will.

    Keep the faith tho, AA, you’re a mighty prayer warrior here and I respect that.

    May the Lord make you right and me wrong.

  3. The one human on this earth that can bring people
    of ALL colors ALL religions ALL frickin’ humans on
    this earth is a child.I am praying that he is in Heaven
    as I write.


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