Boy Honks When He Breathes After Swallowing Toy Horn – IOTW Report

Boy Honks When He Breathes After Swallowing Toy Horn

Ok, look. I don’t know if this is a fake or not, but this made me laugh kinda hard.
Either way, he survived.


h/t Tastefully Offensive

14 Comments on Boy Honks When He Breathes After Swallowing Toy Horn

  1. @Bad_Brad:

    A man went to his doctor and said to him, “Doc, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but every time I fart, I hear the word ‘Honda'”.

    The doctor said, “That’s interesting, never heard of anything like it before. Do you think you could demonstrate it for me?”

    The guy said, “I’ll try.”

    Sure enough, every time the man broke wind, the doctor clearly heard “Honda”.

    After numerous tests and scans to try to figure out what was wrong with the man, the doctor ran out of ideas.

    Finally the doc told him, “This is probably a crazy theory, but because of the nature of the word ‘Honda’, I’m sending you to a Japanese doctor. Perhaps he might know something about this.”

    So the guy went. Upon hearing the symptoms, the Jap doctor said, “Open mouth, prease.” The man opened his mouth and the doctor examined it.

    After a few minutes, the doctor said, “Ah so. Here is your problem – you have abscessed tooth. You need to go see dentist, have tooth pulled. Problem go away.”

    The patient said, “I don’t get it. What has that got to do with the sound that’s produced when I pass gas?”

    The doctor replied, “Well you see, in Japan we have old saying:
    ‘Abscess makes the fart go ‘Honda’.”


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