Boy Scouts Of America Seeks Bankruptcy Protection From Sexual Assault Allegations – IOTW Report

Boy Scouts Of America Seeks Bankruptcy Protection From Sexual Assault Allegations

Fox News

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection early Tuesday after decades of sexual abuse claims within one of the country’s largest youth organizations.

The petition, filed in Delaware bankruptcy court, halts the hundreds of lawsuits the BSA is facing that allege sexual misconduct by people within the 110-year-old organization over the years.

Sexual abuse settlements had reportedly strained the Boy Scouts’ finances, with states passing laws last year so victims from long-ago abuse can sue for damages. More

26 Comments on Boy Scouts Of America Seeks Bankruptcy Protection From Sexual Assault Allegations

  1. The left takes everything they touch down the toilet. Yet this is not an accident, the left intentionally destroys wholesome things to further their goal to destroy America. Look at the cities they run.

  2. I have been with Scouts nearly my entire life. I still consider it the best youth development program in America. When I helped put on an adult leader training for our troop last month I talked about the principles Baden-Powell brought to scouting. They haven’t changed much, if any, but it is up to the troop to properly apply the program.
    The bankruptcy is a preventative measure – and it is specifically due to the failings of BSA in the 60s-80s to report abuse when the leaders learned of it, leading to more child abuse which is absolutely unconscionable. Now BSA has a premier Youth Protection program, so much that a friend who is a lifelong educator told me he was going to recommend his school district use it.
    I still work with my troop, and while we do not have a parallel girls troop I know some girls who are in BSA Scouting (of course Venture Scouts for girls 14+ has been around for decades). They love it! One 14 year-old spent 2 weeks backpacking in Alaska last summer, and they are considering a canoe trip in the Boundary Waters this year (coincidentally where our troop is headed).
    No, I am not a fan of certain things BSA has done. But my troop has, from its beginning in 1947, used the BSA program while operating pretty much independently. We are constantly being pushed by parents to be more ‘woke’, as it were, particularly considering our Left Coast community, but thanks to a strong adult leadership continue to provide a great experience for the kids.

  3. I will add, and I have said this many times: Every single organization that caters to youth is a target for pedophiles. Schools, churches, sports, scouts, every one of them. Understanding pedophiles you see that their brains are broken, but that they are savvy enough to search for the path of least resistance, the easiest and ‘safest’ access to children. Every organization needs to have a strong youth protection program, particularly in acting promptly to report when a child is abused. BSA failed miserably in this a few decades ago. They are now paying the price – for allowing further abuse. But they have learned their lesson, and now are a model of youth protection rather than an enabler of pedophiles. Ultimately it is up to each local community. My troop never had issues, and I was a scout in the 70s, because the adult leadership made sure there were no issues.

  4. Once the BSA sexualized the scouts they headed down the wrong path. It’s a shame because so many successful people were scouts [Neil Armstrong, for one]. The left will always try to bring down and demonize anything that they are incapable of succesfuly participating in.

  5. The Scouts were all boys up to a few years ago.
    The Greeks called men involved in that type of abuse Paederasts.
    That’s worse than homosexual. If men go after boys they are supposed to be protecting and guiding that is a terrible and evil breech of human responsibility.

  6. …I was a Scout, never had a problem, no fags allowed then.

    My boy was a Scout for a couple of years, they hadn’t gone retard yet, but there were noises, so I always attended too, as a helper, but also to make sure nothing was weird.

    It was not. No problem then, either. But the Scoutmasters were local guys with families and their own kids in it, and wives and everything, so no faggotry, their wives would have killed them if the fathers didn’t first, and they didn’t act so inclined in any case.

    So, yeah, letting fags in made no more sense than letting a sraight man alone in charge of Girl Scouts. Even if they DIDN’T badtouch, it’s just not a good idea, for either the kid OR adult, because that’s how rumors start.

    But that’s what fags do, wreck institutions that may oppose them.

    They became priests in the Catholic Church in the ’70s with the intention of deliberately wrecking it.

    That’s what they did to the Scouts, too.

    …so much for “Morally Straight”…

  7. We had one in our troop. Troop 120 Methodist Church in Lakewood WA. I socked the dirty MF’r in the face and knocked him on his ass. I guess that others sued the BSA for a lot of dough after going to his apartment with him and being molested.

    Before she passed away mom used to tell people about the incident. She remembered my brother and the other kids who rode home with us (we carpooled to the meeting and my mother brought us home) and I telling her what went down at the meeting that night. I think she was proud. I know she reported it but it went nowhere. She didn’t worry about my brother and I being able to take care of ourselves.

    Lawsuit alleges sex abuse in Scouts
    ROB CARSON; The News Tribune

    A Tacoma man is suing the Boy Scouts of America, alleging his scoutmaster repeatedly sexually abused him when he was a Scout in Lakewood 34 years ago.

    Dave Aqua, 47, an Air Force veteran and a registered nurse, named the national scouting organization and the local Pacific Harbors Council in his lawsuit, which he filed Wednesday in Pierce County Superior Court.

    “This is a road to healing for me,” Aqua said, “but I also feel it is a moral obligation. If I could save one boy from having to go through what I did, it’s worth it to me.”

    In his complaint, Aqua says the Scout leader coerced him into dozens of deviant sexual acts in 1970 and 1971 while he was a member of Troop 120, sponsored by Lakewood Methodist Church.

    Scouting executives knew about the abuses but did nothing about them, Aqua said in an interview Wednesday.

    Doug Dillow, Scout executive at Pacific Harbors Council, said Wednesday that he had not seen the lawsuit and couldn’t comment on it.

    The scoutmaster, who is dead, was a soldier at Fort Lewis at the time of the abuses, Aqua said. He was a highly successful recruiter, Aqua said, who built Troop 120 to among the largest in the council.

    Aqua, who eventually became an Eagle Scout, said the scoutmaster regularly took him and other young boys to his apartment, where he had them dress in scanty “Indian costumes” and took photos of them before abusing them. The walls of the man’s apartment were covered with photos of half-clothed boys, Aqua said.

    Dillow said the BSA now has strong policies against any kind of child abuse.

    “We have a very active and comprehensive program that we utilize continuously,” he said.

    Among the precautions the organization uses, he said, is its “Two Deep Leadership” program, which ensures that at least two adults are present at all Scout activities. It now conducts criminal background checks on volunteers, he said, and makes sure men and boys shower separately and have separate sleeping arrangements while camping.

    “We have a number of practices and policies that we have utilized in an attempt to make sure kids are in the safest environment possible,” Dillow said.

    Timothy Kosnoff, the Seattle attorney who is representing Aqua, disagreed.

    “They’ve done very little to tighten up their procedures,” he said.

    “There are unique.htmlects to Scouting that make it the perfect environment for those that have the compulsion of sexual attraction to children. They have the responsibility to figure out what it is about the organization that lets this happen.”

    This is the second sexual abuse case filed against the Pacific Harbor Council in the past 10 months.

    In October, two brothers, also represented by Kosnoff, said a different scoutmaster sexually abused them from 1971 to 1983. The brothers, Tom and Matt Stewart, of Enumclaw and San Diego, respectively, were members of Scout troops 310 in Tacoma and 336 in Federal Way. Like Aqua, both became Eagle Scouts.

    The Stewarts claimed that their scoutmaster molested them repeatedly during Scouting activities and threatened to kill their parents if they told on him.

    That case, which also names the Boy Scouts’ Chief Seattle Council, is in discovery phase in King County Superior Court. A trial date has been set for early next summer.

    Rob Carson: 253-597-8693

  8. left coast Dan,

    Speaking as one who was a scout who went to the Boundary Waters you will have a blast.

    if you are planning on doing the canoeing merit badge do the swamping of the canoes where you live. that water is c-o-l-d.

  9. @Pelopidas – I have been to BWCA 3 times the past 25 years (we go every 8 years) and love it! Except for the mosquitoes. We go in early August so the water is reasonable.
    Our troop owns our own canoes, another trip we take every 4 years is to canoe around Catalina Island off of Los Angeles. Takes 3 days, first day we land at the beach with the biggest surf on the island (because it’s the only place you’re allowed to camp), second day we land at Avalon and enjoy a nice meal and shower.

  10. My sons & I were kicked OUT of the BSA on 5/23/13, for REMAINING, “MORALLY straight.” 😡

    When you turn “FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABULOUS,” by ALLOWING the flaming ‘mo-mo’s to take over, and you kick OUT all the God-fearing, Bible-believing men & boys who built the program up over 100 years, what did you EXPECT to happen?! 🙄

    BTW – MY church body – the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod – CUT TIES with the BSA over this nonsense. If your church DIDN’T? 🤨 Wellllllll… maybe YOUR church home, needs “further review”…

    And don’t gimmee this NONSENSE, about us, “leaving.” WHO CHANGED? WE, the MORALLY straight? Or the BSA? THEY left US – we DIDN’T live them!!!

    Trail Life USA for the WIN!!! 😀

  11. Did the idiots actually think that allowing homo’s into positions of scout troop leaders was going to work out well?
    Sure it was, because fags naturally gravitate toward young boys because of the uncontrollable desire to teach them how to build camp fires!

  12. Boy Scout Oath or Promise
    “On my honor, I will do my best. To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.”

    Based on the Boy Scouts creed;
    God given moral standards of conduct should not be the exception, they of course, should be the rule.

    Any compromise with the left, especially the queer and feminist branches, ALWAYS results in the kind of diabolical destruction the Boy Scouts are experiencing right now.

  13. @ gin blossom FEBRUARY 18, 2020 AT 1:50 PM

    Did the idiots actually think that allowing homo’s into positions of scout troop leaders was going to work out well?

    It depends on your perspective, and from my perspective that would be a big fat yes

  14. I was a Scout for a long time. Many of my best childhood memories came from Scouting, and I have never felt as safe in my adult life as I did with the Men who were my Scout Masters. I was never accosted or touched by any of them, but I know that any one of them would have died to keep me and the rest of the troop safe. What has happened to Scouting is a tragedy.

  15. My late first husband was an Eagle Scout and his father the recipient of the Silver Beaver award for his life-long involvement in the Chief Sealth Council. I was there when he received his cherished award. That was in the late 1970’s. My late husband proudly wore his Eagle ring — it was so worn by then that it was hard to distinguish the eagle on it, but to other men who were in scouting it was an instant ice breaker because they recognized it and the hard work in achieving it.

    After his death, I leased our home out while I figured out what to do next and used a well-known agency to handle the management of it. After some months I was forced to confront the agency’s owner about their neglect of my property and their responsibilities. As he was attempting to gloss over and make excuses for not doing their jobs, I noticed that he was wearing the eagle ring, so I brought up that fact to him in an off-handed manner. It stopped him right in his tracks and he was visibly put off kilter by my remark. He didn’t try to continue with his stupid, unethical excuses at that point. I had shamed him by reminding him of his life-long pledge. That’s how powerful BSA has been in forming the convictions of young men in their formative years.

    I do not think it was a good idea to allow homosexuals into the program. I think it attracts men who are seeking a place to act out their perversions. And despite ramped-up policies and procedures to preclude harmful activity, it seems to me that having to be so public about their anti-abuse policies and procedures introduces something — a terrible erosion — that causes boys and young men to be suspicious and fearful of being sexually abused, even though I have no idea how else they might otherwise deal with the real problem. Sometimes I just wish our society could return to a time — I do believe there was one, once — when our children were protected from having to know the world in the ways they do today. The idea of being wary of adults in all situations is, in my opinion, a real tragedy.

  16. I had a good friend in Jr. High who was a scout and his father was a scout leader. I was invited to their lake house for a Thanksgiving weekend. My friend’s mother was to come the next day. My friend’s dad tried to put a move on me after my friend had gone to sleep. I let that POS know I didn’t roll like that and told him to never try it again or there’d be hell to pay. I regret not reporting it but at my age, I thought I was protecting my friend by not doing so. I let our friendship fade away quickly and come to an end. Homos are dangerous people who can’t be trusted around children as their entire world revolves around and is driven by their perversion eventually.


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