BP chief executive Bob Dudley’s £14m pay deal has come under scrutiny – IOTW Report

BP chief executive Bob Dudley’s £14m pay deal has come under scrutiny

IBT: Anger at boardroom excesses in Britain hit breaking point after BP shareholders resoundingly rejected a £14m ($19.8m, €17.5m) pay deal for chief executive Bob Dudley.


Nearly 60% of shareholders voted against Dudley’s 20% pay increase in a rebellion that was surpassed only by the 2009 Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) mutiny when 80% rejected Fred Goodwin’s pay deal.

Investors said the huge increase in pay could not be justified in a year where the company racked up its biggest annual loss of £3.6bn amid a collapse in oil price and slashed 5,000 jobs. Although the vote is non-binding, the company took notice of investor sentiment with chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg promising to review future pay terms.  more here

5 Comments on BP chief executive Bob Dudley’s £14m pay deal has come under scrutiny

  1. “Although the vote is non-binding …”

    Then what’s the fuckin point?

    He (and all other execs) should be paid in dividends – nothing else. Rise and fall with the company.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The corporate system works very well and is all voluntary.
    So what they do is their business.
    The average CEO makes about $160,000.
    We would do well to focus on getting congress and the president down to that level as their money is taken at gunpoint.

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