Brace Yourself Nashville, For “Effective Progressivism” – IOTW Report

Brace Yourself Nashville, For “Effective Progressivism”

The mayoral race in Nashville has become a contest between two far-left progressive politicians.

According to Breitbart, “Metro Councilman At-Large John Cooper won 35 percent of the votes in Thursday’s Nashville mayoral election, significantly shy of the 50 percent he needed to win the election outright, but setting him up for a September 12 runoff election with incumbent Mayor David Briley, who finished in second place with 25 percent of the vote.”

If elected, Cooper vows to bring “effective progressivism” to music city. More

16 Comments on Brace Yourself Nashville, For “Effective Progressivism”

  1. “Effective Progressivism” is an oxymoron.

    Well, maybe not. If your goal to turn your city into Baltimore it takes effort.
    You can’t build a shithole overnight. It takes years of effective progressivism to engineer that.

  2. The same “Effective Progressivism” that has infected the Country music industry with LGBTQETC and Hip Hop propoganda. Nashville is headed for heartbreak.

  3. Would Bob Dylan even sing about Nashville Skyline anymore? The older country and western music is far better than all the new crap that comes out of Nashville now, it’s become too gentrified and is mostly junk pop music to satisfy the lowest common denominator like most of the rest of popular music today. Anything to make a buck except good music, it’s a shame. I prefer Outlaw country myself and the old music that I grew up listening to with my dad.

  4. I think Willy Nelson may have started all of that. I may be way off base, I am not an historian of country music.

    Back in the 1960’s, we was a pretty clean cut guy. Then in the 1970’s, he grew pigtails and became a heavy dope smoker. Now he is a liberal marijuana farmer.

    I was never a fan. I consider him an wrinkled old coot with a probable messed up brain from too much dope smoking.

  5. I don’t think Nashville has had a Republican mayor but maybe once since Reconstruction.

    Which begs the question, “So what kind of Progressivism was the last 130 years?”

    Nashville has been inundated with outside liberals. Bredesen and Purcell were northerners. Dean was a Midwesterner. Megan Barry was from San Francisco.

    Cooper’s a fucking idiot and so is Briley. Briley pissed off the teachers union by cancelling their pay raise as his first act when Barry resigned and his term as Accidental Mayor began. Then tried to dangle it again prior to this election.

    Cooper won’t crack 45% in the runoff.

    What kills me out of all this is the douchebag who bought the Nashville Scene because he wanted to be Mayor. He writes his own editorial every week about whatever his hobby horse is that week. This one, following the Mueller hearing, writes that what Nashville really needs is a representative like…..Steve Cohen. Daughter fucking bucket of chicken during Congressional hearing Steve Cohen.

    I left Metro almost two decades ago which was still about 5 years too late. Everybody fled to Sumner and Williamson counties. Williamson is who gave you Marsha Blackburn.

    The state legislature is heavily Republican though and tends to clips Nashville’s wings. Nashville prospers because the state does not allow an income tax that they would support in a heartbeat.


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