Bradley Cooper Is Dating Pervert Anthony Weiner’s Ex, Huma? – IOTW Report

Bradley Cooper Is Dating Pervert Anthony Weiner’s Ex, Huma?

I’m not into Page Six stories, but this is oddball.

Bradley Cooper has been a little strange lately. Last month he accepted Howard Stern’s invite to be Vice President on Stern’s Presidential ticket.

And now Cooper is dating Huma Abedin.

From The Hanover to The Leftover.


A star couple is born: Bradley Cooper and Huma Abedin are dating, sources tell Page Six exclusively.

The top aide to Hillary Clinton — and former wife of disgraced politician Anthony Weiner — has been seeing the A-lister for the past few months, according to multiple insiders.

They were introduced by Vogue editor Anna Wintour, who is close with both of them.

“Anna definitely played matchmaker,” one well-placed source says. “She’s BFFs with Bradley and adores Huma.”

A Hollywood insider confirms that “Bradley has been quietly dating Huma for a few months now, [and] they’ve been keeping it really quiet.

Image result for bradley cooper

“Bradley broke up with [actress] Dianna Agron and started dating Huma.”


27 Comments on Bradley Cooper Is Dating Pervert Anthony Weiner’s Ex, Huma?

  1. Ugh…He’s going to enter into Politics….He’s Our next Trud’oh !!

    He’s Fluent in French…Women will turn out in Droves to Vote for Him…

    He’ll pick Markel as VP…and the Media will tell us it’s the new Camelot.

  2. Huma needs her beard.
    Bradley Cooper needs a beard too.
    Seems like a match made in heaven.

    Don’t know what a beard is? Let me make it easy I’m saying they’re both actually gay.
    Seems like a match made in heaven.

    You can’t convince me Bradley Cooper isn’t gay.

  3. “So when he kisses her does she taste like Hillary?”

    How would he know?

    “A taste of Preparation-H, Summer’s Eve, and je ne sais quoi?”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. She won’t last with him. He’s like Bill Clinton, uses women then tosses them aside. Abedin is not a photogenic person, she always looks scared $hitless or sad and sometimes both.

  5. Huma was raised by the hard core Muslim Brotherhood which means she had her clit clipped as a young girl which means she is damaged goods in bed. She is also an Islamic savage dedicated to Jihad and was a member (probably still is) of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Here’s a vision – Bradley, Huma, and Hillary enjoying a threesome with Hillary taking the male role. Brain bleach won’t work on that image.

    Next up – Bradley Cooper converts to Islam.

  6. Bradley Cooper is going to have a hard time filling the void that Carlos Danger left in the shallow depths of Huma Abedin. This could be the career move that causes Bradley to meet his Weinerloo.
    What’s next? Glugging Chardonnay and Vodka with President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton in Chappaqua? Swapping Jeffrey Epstein photos with Billy Clinton? Running with the Trannys across the Brooklyn Bridge with Lady GaGa? It’s all simply too fabulous!

  7. This is a coupling of convenience. All about politics. The dems have a shallow bench, and now here is their savior. Joey is Barry’s puppet, so Bradley is Hillary’s puppet, and he’s younger, better looking, and less demented than Joe, and maybe not a pedo. And as mentioned above, stupid women will show up in droves to vote for him. Look for lots of media puff pieces from the usual suspects.

  8. It’s a well known fact in Hollywood that Bradley Cooper is a turd burglar. He is so far in the closet, he’s reached Narnia. It’s a mutual bearding situation with these two. He’s into dudes and she is Hillary’s girlfriend.

  9. Haven’t liked him since he played that pathetic creature in the 3rd or 4th remake of “A Star is Born”.
    Will whorelywood EVER film a remake that’s better, or at least as good, as the original?

  10. A “romance” between these two freaks…LOL! Not even leftard drones are going to believe this Demwit fantasy. Too much evidence of queer behavior associated with both of them.

  11. I never heard the name “Bradley Cooper” until this thread.

    Sad to think that iOTWReport makes him famous.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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