Brady Retiring – IOTW Report

Brady Retiring


26 Comments on Brady Retiring

  1. Things Tom Brady could do next:

    (1) Make commercials, competing with Aaron Rogers, Drew Brees and the Manning brothers.

    (2) Become a network NFL broadcaster.

    (3) Become an NFL coach.

    (4) Buy an NFL team.

    (5) Run for public office as a Republican.

    (6) Start a football college and teach quarterbacks how to throw a football while reducing its pressure.

    (7) Nothing. Or whatever he wants to do. He’s done enough. Doesn’t matter. On second thought, a trip to Disneyland would be nice.

    Okay, who let the dogs out?

  2. (3) Become an NFL coach.

    I doubt it. People who have natural talent tend not to make good coaches. Things came so naturally to them that they don’t know how to teach it.

    People who had to work really hard to make it anywhere near the big leagues got there because they had to study and learn and analyze. They may not have been good themselves, but they were well versed in the principles.

  3. He already has a thriving business, – likely will focus on that although I’m sure he won’t completely leave the limelight. The business is based upon the exercises & therapy that kept him healthy far longer than anyone else.
    He’s one of those whom I hated, because he played for a team that beat the teams I wanted to win (well, and the New England cheaters), but certainly a great player.

  4. Fantastic Player.
    Unreal work ethic.
    Family Man.

    Best Quarterback of all time.

    Thanks For giving me something to watch while everyone else was hiding in the basement watching sports played to Empty Stadiums.

    I really enjoyed watching his last Superbowl where he showed that People are FREE to MOVE to a FREE STATE and Thrive.

    Fuck the NFL, but there are a lot of God & Country Loving men play in the NFL. They are why I watch.

    Thanks Tommy! Spend some time with your mom.

  5. It is clear it was HE that made the Pats SUPER. The coach was a small part of it; as this bad record last year made clear; with a big improvement this year; but still not Super.

    He and Norm van B are the only 2 QBs tow win NDFL chanmpionships with 2 teams! Norm did it with the worst team in NFL – Eagles. Lost every game before dumb Gillman gave ’em Norm! 2 years late Eagles #1!#%^&!?

    and the Rams became the worst team in the West.Fired Sid about 3 years too late.

    Yes I’m old.

  6. Wild Bill,

    I actually wanted the BILLS to win this year.
    That was the BEST GAME OF THE YEAR!
    (fuck mahomes & his degenerate brother & wife)

    I went to 3 of the 4 BILLS in TORONTO SERIES.
    The American Bills fans age Awesome! You can’t help but become a Fan.

  7. Brady’s wife on some years actually made more $$$ than him.


    If he gets caught putting the wood to one of her supermodel friends, he might actually get alimony.

    Smartest Fucker in the world!

  8. Aw c’mon Kcir. When I took a job in New England in the early 90s the Patriots were the worst team in the league. Parcels brought in Bledsoe but made Brady his guy.

    It was a process to build the franchise with belachick.

    An amazing thing to watch over the years.

    Sorry, but I loved watching the process. From the worst to the best.


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