Bragg Hit the Brakes – IOTW Report

Bragg Hit the Brakes

Bragg Hit the Brakes – Manhattan Grand Jury Told to Take Day Off, Delaying Any Indictment of President Trump.

CTH: The intensely political New York City District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, has told the grand jury in the Trump proceedings not to report today.

This grand jury has been meeting on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, according to Business Insider who was the first to report today’s cancellation.  President Trump responded to the delay via Truth Social: MORE

12 Comments on Bragg Hit the Brakes

  1. The Demos are Thinking that Arrests, Legal Crap, & investigations will sour Trumps Image in undecided voters minds. It also deflects the New Cycle from Million Dollar Payments to the ShitPants Family.

    It looks like the opposite is happening.

  2. I think Trump would be in a small, local version of heaven if Allll-Vinnn could get him into court in a dignified manner- no perp walk and handcuffs bullshit. My read on the nooze is the establishment has caught on to this and looking around frantically for that lost ‘plan B’. How many Biden family members are in the pay today? Don’t forget the northeast syndicates, Whitey and his brother long in Mass. senate, etc. How many political prisoners is the government holding? And rounding up more? We’re backstopping all deposits? You mean nationalizing the banking system under the level of the TBTF four or six?

    The democrat party from top to precinct level needs a full court, blitz of a RICO investigation and prosecutions. A veritable smorgasbord of opportunity there.

  3. BRAGG-ASS winds up going the way of

    ME-YOU-ER-LER who destroyed his legal career
    by investigating TRUMP

    Trump has been intensively investigated for
    EIGHT YEARS with no viable findings.

    Have the smellocrats been lying to you ?

    Make your own decision.

    But no man in history has been more
    intensively investigated with

    But we know the smellocrats won’t quit
    if for no other reason than to create
    an illusion of wrong doing that they know


    Such is the essence of the


  4. Tha fat tub of liberal monkey shit better get used to looking over his shoulder because there might come a time real soon when shit gets real and he may end up being the “hunted”, along with the likes of soros.
    And as Dennis Miller used to say:
    And of course that’s just my opinion, I may be wrong!


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