Braided Rat Tail on the Dud Bomber – IOTW Report

Braided Rat Tail on the Dud Bomber

Here he is being perp walked.

27 Comments on Braided Rat Tail on the Dud Bomber

  1. Oh FFS! A rat tail! And it’s braided!
    And he’s dressed like a shrink-wrapped eggplant.
    Look, he’s probably an angry gay (NTTAWWT), south/central American narco salesman also. They need to arrest whoever gave him his fashion sense, too.

  2. It would appear that the strain of living in his van was more than he could bear.

    Now we all know where Dumber has been hiding.

    If brains were shoe leather, this guy wouldn’t have enough to make spats for a canary.

    Thanks for giving the MSDM a diversion from the Republican resurgence.

  3. I dunno ’bout you guys, but if I put a Trump bumper sticker on my car I’d be afraid of it getting keyed or vandalized in a few days. That’s just the way democRATs roll! This guy had a whole van covered in stickers and it’s perfectly clean as a whistle! Really???
    Not only that, but how hard wuz it to find this asshole driving around in a fuking BILLBOARD!! He might as well be sending up flares fer cryin out loud. C’mon already!

  4. It’s terrific that they arrested this magical individual who (even though he can’t spell) was able to simultaneously get into multiple secure facilities in different states to plant his real fake bomb packages.

    [“You want to go away for the rest of your life in a Florida shithouse, or spend a few years in a federal hotel? Spit here… put your finger here… and keep ya mouth shut…”]

  5. Why is the top right corner of supposed right rear window decal curved in alignment with the glass. While the other three corners are cut to 90°.

    This is some deep state shit going on, IMO.

    It will however work on the most vulnerable among us.


  6. Today on FOX. Juanita Williams is blaming Trump’s rhetoric for this creeps actions. Ditto Sheppy Smith. Chris Wallace shut Sheppy down fast.Chris surprised me.
    I can’t stand those two corksoakers, Williams and Smith

  7. Believe it or not, I happened to speak with an old low info liberal acquaintance tonight, who lavished praise on the FBI for their amazing police work. I held myself back for the most part. But I couldn’t, completely.
    I did a few Columbo style stupid questions.

    Why waste my time?

    I dropped it.

  8. The devices were bullshit. Couldn’t have detonated. About as dangerous as a can of hairspray.

    And we get a fuckin’ metric mile of jaw movement per hour about this.

    NOBODY, and I mean nobody in the media applied the weight due (which was a hummingbirds ass worth) to this story.

    They made it out to be as consequential as the width of Kim Kardashian’s ass.

    Bullshit. Fake news. Fake bombs.

    The lack of seriousness involved in damn near every aspect of society today makes me want every player on the national stage to swallow their tongues and die in their sleep.

    Or just confine their pillow fights to their back bedrooms. Ineffectual, not ready for prime time, ignorant, incompetent products of a do nothing, know nothing society of dipshits.

    I actually do not possess a superiority complex. Today, it’s just recognizing most of these people ACTUALLY are idiots.

  9. How did this weasel of a guy, a felon, acquire all those supposedly protected addresses? Do you think if you entered Hilary Clinton in your DuckDuckGo search engine you would get her address and phone number?

  10. Nothing has changed, my BS meter is still recording an 11.
    I’m not buying this load of fetid road apples.
    Dana on The Five said it:
    “The FBI needed a win to restore confidence and they sure got it fast.”
    That’s the gist anyway, it’s not like the FBI hasn’t created stuff before.

  11. I have a sinking feeling he will be free in 4-5 years on good behavior. Then he will live large as just another NPC.

    I would like just one real, sleuth, journalist to follow his future path.

    He looks well fed for a psycho wanna be October Surprise run of the mill kook. He had two years to play this out. Why now? Can we please have more background info on him.

  12. “Can’t get a Nobel prize for attempted Chemistry.”

    Guy just sent Christmas … uhhhhh … sorry … Winter Holiday presents to his favorite pols … no harm … no foul … if he’da sent that stupid shit to Republicans we’da never heard about it!

    izlamo delenda est …


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