Brain-Eating Mad Man Released to Waterbury Group Home – IOTW Report

Brain-Eating Mad Man Released to Waterbury Group Home

Daily Express

A man who killed and ate a man has been released back into public life after ten years.

Tyree Smith, from Bridgeport, Connecticut, killed a homeless man and then ate his brain and eyeballs according to officials.

The horrific case made headline news, with Smith found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity after a July 2013 trial.

In lieu of a stint behind bars, Smith was ordered committed to a state psychiatric hospital for 60 years.

But now, ten years after the grim incident, the state Psychiatric Security Review Board said Smith was ready to be transitioned back into the community. More

24 Comments on Brain-Eating Mad Man Released to Waterbury Group Home

  1. Any bets on how long it will take for him to reoffend and kill someone else by eating them and end up back in the state nut house. A sentence of 60 years should mean that he dies in the state nut house and not be released after only 10 years.

  2. I wonder how many members of the Psychiatric Security Review Board live in Waterbury or nearby communities?

    According to this document only one member of the board, Mark Kirshner voted against release, so he’s off the hook.

    Also, The Chair for this board is vacant.

    Here are the rest of the members.

    Renesha Nichols works in West Hartford, so no not in Waterbury.
    Cecily Pacheco, works in Harford, also a no.
    Cheryl Abrams, works at Quinnipiac, which is New Haven, so a no there as well.
    Leaving John Bonneti, also has an office in Harford, yet another no.

    I rest my case, Your Honor. God, look out for the welfare of the other resident in the group home, the state of CT does not.

  3. What more proof do you need in order to understand how the liberal, commie, leftists have, and are, pushing for total chaos, mayhem, destruction and the ruination of America???

  4. “He will be living in a Waterbury group home, and is not allowed to associate with anyone involved in criminal activity.”
    ….yeech, group homes. When they ended mental institutions because someone pretended to be mean to Jack Nicolson, they did a half-assed “community based mental health care” thing that involved putting people in group homes that were no more than someone’s house with a spare bedroom, and gave the keepers/homeowners like 5 minutes of “Training” which, as near as I could tell, consisted of “Call 911 if you don’t feel like dealing with the bullshit you’re being paid to deal with” instructions and little else. Folks were given a certain stipend per head and no real information on what fruit crackers could actually do (ANYTHING, they can do ANYTHING, because they’re nutz), so they would load the house up and then freak when the freaks freaked on them, and then I’d get to take their loose wheel up the hill to General Hospital, where they’d get back out before I finished the paperwork on dragging them back in because the hospitals didn’t want to deal with it either, and off the merry-go-round would go again.

    …Oh, and they NEVER told the neighbors that someone was setting up a group home next door, either. In fact there was a statute against it. They figured it out when one of the lightly kept charges decided that Nextdoor Guy was actually a demon and set his house on fire though. Doesn’t mean they stopped ’em, just meant now you know, so maybe get a fire extinguisher and set up a 24 hour armed watch, ’cause this was way back in the ’90,s, and it’s not getting any saner out there.


    “The board stated in its report: “Tyree Smith is an individual with a psychiatric illness requiring care, custody and treatment.”
    …yes he is, and yes he DOES need care, custody, and treatment. You know, like in a looney bin. Where he was originally. Maybe you should keep him there.

    “Since his last hearing Tyree Smith has continued to demonstrate clinical stability.”
    …Great. So now he’s sane enough to understand what he did was wrong and he MUST be punished for it. So, off to jail with him, yes?

    Of COURSE not. Because we don’t hold ANYONE responsible any more unless they do something REALLY heinous like walk around the Capitol after being invited in by cops or voting for Trump or something REALLY terrible like THAT, so if Bucky says he’s sane now, we can’t hold him responsible for what he actually DID 10 years ago, although we hold all White people responsible for shit that happened 158 years ago by people who may not even be related to them, but I digress…

    …oh, and as they are PROBABLY aware, mentally ill people are inveterate liars. They all know the Three Questions that get them sprung from temporary custody, they all learn what their shrinks want to hear; if they’re nuts enough they can lie their way around a lie detector, and if they’re REALLY psychopathic they can convince even themselves that the lie is true, so they certainly can convince YOU their lie is the truth, even if they are lying about murders and their own culpability in them.

    See Washington, DC for some particularly egregious and very high-profile examples.

    …and further…

    “Mr. Smith is medication compliant, actively engaged in all recommended forms of treatment, and has been symptom-free for many years.”

    …THIS is a wonderful treasure right here. “Medically compliant” my ass. Even assuming that’s currently true (and it probably isn’t), that’s until they change the medicine on a whim, he doesn’t take it because he’s NOT A SANE, RESPONSIBLE PERSON, or he misses a doctor’s appointment and so can’t get his prescription filled because he’s NOT A SANE, RESPONSIBLE PERSON, or they reformulate the med (now with NEW mRNA!) so it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do and the withdrawal just makes it WORSE, or, like some patients I had back in the day, he quits taking it because, as I had been told before, “I LIKE the way I feel when I’m not taking my medication”, from a guy who had recently bit a police officer during a psychotic episode at “a group home” which is why I was called out at 0 dark early to make his acquaintance in the first place, or…you get the idea. Modern meds are frequently switched, are “forever” drugs because they make you MORE crazy if you quit taking them, some of them make you crazier WHILE you’re taking them (says they can right on the packaging), and lots of times a shrink gives someone a “trial” of something and sends them out into the world with instructions to “call 911 if there’s a problem”, which is because the shrink HIMSELF doesn’t want to deal with patients after-hours.

    Problem, BTW, can be anything from anxiety and nausea to murder/suicide. Again, says so right on the box.

    Good luck with that.

    …and never forget the most basic rule of psychiatry. The shrink is a bull brain whose job is to rape your mind with Current Year ideals about what a mentally healthy life should be like until he’s squirted enough symbolism into your grey matter that the thoughts it gives birth to looks like his.

    If you get your sanity by stud, the child looks a lot like the father.

    And those guys have a high suicide rate…

  5. Not guilty by reason of insanity should never even be considered a verdict. Insane or not, you kill someone and the least you should be given is life in prison.

    I was kind of halfway following a recent case where a girl killed her mother after lying about being kicked out of college. They claimed she was insane, her father and her maternal grandmother wanted the state to not charge her. I felt bad for them, but she killed her own mother and she did it as soon as her mother got on the phone with officials from the college. She lied and said someone had broken a window, that she went and broke after saying it happened. Jury found her guilty and the judge gave her the minimum sentence 15 to life.

  6. Well he’s black. Can’t make him serve an entire sentence.
    I wonder if you looked at who this board is releasing if it’s minorities.
    The homeless problems could probably be alleviated quite a bit if mental care hospitals reopened. But no, that would make sense.


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