Brainless Zombies, Once Again, Attack MAGA Hat Wearer – IOTW Report

Brainless Zombies, Once Again, Attack MAGA Hat Wearer

ht/ c. steven tucker

14 Comments on Brainless Zombies, Once Again, Attack MAGA Hat Wearer

  1. If the democommies ever take control again, I sure hope we remember these things. Support of a country is racism and hate? Wait till they wrap themselves in democommie wear and get fed the same bullshit. At least when their commie gear gets berated it will be for real.

  2. The guy had a right to do that however I would say that may have been the wrong place because he had to know that the crowd of people would include a goodly number of the leftwing zombies and he would get a kneejerk reaction. Having said that he ought to get one of the recent TV lawyers that are starting to spring up (thanks Yanks) on the late night tv schedules and go civil suit on them.

  3. There’s a simple solution for this. Avoid liberal shitholes.

    I spend so much time away from the goofs, they kind of take me by surprise when I encounter them again. They even look weirder, you can feel the smug ooze.

  4. I notice that most of those attacking in the situations are “new americans” and minorities. I guess they think that they’ll just walk right in and take over.
    At some point reality will hit them like a charging buffalo. The right tends to be way less reactionary and are slow to rile but when they do these little bullies are going to be in a state of terror from what they’ve brought on. That time is coming soon.

  5. Question for social media users: Are we at the point where things you do in meat-space can get you banned on social media Web Sucks? Say, if somebody sees your blasphemy in the news, snitches your name and offense to the social media doormen, who ferret out your social media account and ban you. Is that a thing yet?

  6. No different than attacking a Leftist at a a vigil for church victim shootings.

    Of course, that’s never happened.

    But it could.

    If you stretch your imagination far enough.

  7. There was some story this last week about “snowflake” MAGA gear wearers seeking an app to find “safe spaces”.

    Haha, the liberals laughed.

    Liberal Safe Space means an area where they are free from coming into contact with opinions that make them all uncomfortable so they suspend the First Amendment and expel or arrest anyone who violates it.

    Conservative Safe Space equals not having kids or young adults physically assaulted by authority figures, government employees or 28 year old college professors with bike locks for wearing attire supporting the current president elected by half of the country.

    You know…where the rule of law still applies.

  8. Should have let Japan have NZ and AU and saved them all the trouble of disarming future subjects! I’m all for banning anyone from AU or NZ from being able to travel to the US…

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