Branch Covidians Are Insane – Masked Woman Goes Crazy Because Kids Are Selling Lemonade – IOTW Report

Branch Covidians Are Insane – Masked Woman Goes Crazy Because Kids Are Selling Lemonade

37 Comments on Branch Covidians Are Insane – Masked Woman Goes Crazy Because Kids Are Selling Lemonade

  1. Way too nice. The crazy fool deserves a beat down. Have to say though, getting crazy to perform on camera was risky, but now the guy has proof.
    Also, as soon as my child ran indoors traumatized by this Rabid Covid Karen, the police would have been called.
    Depending on the location there’s probably more Covid maniacs in that elite, affluent neighborhood. Rabid Covid Karen could be their spokesman.

  2. Well THAT escalated quickly. Theft of the kids money, and breaking the glass pitcher, classy 
, real classy.
    Obviously she is off her meds, needs to be hauled off, dragging her by her braids if need be. All the while she is wearing a cloth face diaper. Geez.

  3. Nobody’s making you drink it lady.

    The degree of control the communists want over us even applies to a lemonade stand.

    I just don’t see myself peacefully coexisting with the commies.

  4. She’s crazy, just like the rabid college students that think they still need to wear mask. I know many of them and see them in stores and driving around yet. Totally brainwashed. They vote dem.

  5. Can’t just turn around and walk away.
    Some busybodies are compelled to drive their noses into what doesn’t concern them.
    That’s where a cattle-prod would come in handy.

    Yeah? Bzzzztttt! You nosy fuckin bitch? Bzzzztttt! How ya like me now? Bzzzztttt!

    Up the voltage for the face diaper.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Anyone wearing a mask out in public now are insane. Steer clear of them. They’re mostly men who are wearing them. I immediately think “whadda a pussy!” HA! Friend just got back from a 18-day European cruise. They’re fully vaxxed, had to get a PCR test before getting on the ship. Told us flat out he wasn’t wearing a mask. They get on board, 7-days into the cruise and covid is spreading. I warned them that if they told anyone on the ship they were sick, that they would be confined to their cabin for the rest of the cruise. He listened to me. He got sick. He’s jabbed because his wife has leukemia…she got sick too. The jabbers are the super spreaders. Oh, and he had to mask up if he wanted to see any shows. LMAO! I laugh only because he and his wife would prod us for not getting the jab. Now I prod him for getting it.

  7. He should have been on the phone with the police department as he was coming out of his house. In her twisted mind she won the assault. Democrazies do not regret their actions because they suffer from the Dunning – Kruger Effect. All you can do with democrazies is have the police take them away. That won’t change their lunacy but it will make them think twice next time.

  8. Rip off her mask and she would melt like the wicked witch of the west.

    The minute she went for his phone she was asking for a beat-down, which he should have delivered.

  9. Totally agree with a previous comment. ANY idiot’s STILL wearing a mask at this point are BAT SHIT CRAZY. To be avoided at ALL costs.
    Her being ONE of them.

  10. Shhhhh…don’t tell her that the money she stole and touched with her hand is full of all kinds of nasty germs. Then she grabbed the dude’s phone which has his hand germs all over it. I’m kinda a germaphobe and she’s not doing it right. Where is HER hand santizer she shoulda sanitized after touching those things. I’m a germaphobe but I don’t wear those ridiculous face diapers because they are.. (wait for it) ..full of germs!

  11. “The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
    They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.
    The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence,
    these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely
    play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

    –Alexander Solzhenitsyn

  12. Proverbs 26:4: Do not answer a fool according to (her) folly, or you yourself will be just like (her). :5: Answer a fool according to (her) folly, or (she) will be wise in (her) own eyes.

    It seems like a contradiction, but it’s not. Do not become like the fool in your response. The man could have matched her verbal aggression and he certainly could have out-matched anything physical. Instead he calmly stood his ground. The evil one’s goal was thwarted; he could not make the man lose control, and we can see how increasingly upset the evil one grew by that.

    When viewed from that angle, we see not weak pacifism, but Godly strength.

  13. Racer X October 10, 2022 at 9:45 am

    “You should never hit a woman.” Really? Never? Even this wench?

    Many a Karen are asking for it. I have no problem in one defending themselves against anyone or anything. Do cops care who they attack, hit or shoot? Nope.


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