Brand: Wait! Did They REALLY Just Admit This? – IOTW Report

Brand: Wait! Did They REALLY Just Admit This?

Claims that Ukraine has biological weapons labs have been labelled as conspiracy theory. But with a high-ranking diplomat confirming this week that Ukraine has biological research facilities, does this further raise the need for transparency around this complex war? -Russell Brand

14 Comments on Brand: Wait! Did They REALLY Just Admit This?

  1. Ukraine is the pit that the globalist dump their garbage in.

    It was a vast money laundering machine and digital information bunker for the dark web.

    Not surprised at all it was housing pathogenic bio-labs.

    The first run took out Trump and killed millions of his older supporters while providing an excuse to take away our liberties and rig a phony election.

    The Pedo is ass deep in Ukrainian corruption, and Europe is having a piss fit over Putin uncovering the satanic underpinning on the continent.

    You have to admire the ballsy Ukrainian people but their government was a color revolution by the cabal.

    The Pedo is about to start a 4 front war. Russia/China/North Korea/Iran.

    Why wouldn’t they all attack when this demented dioshit is at the wheel?

    They eould be stupid not to and probably before the midterms.

  2. Not a Putin apologist either. I detest all commie bastards, but we are now so far down the rabbit hole we are all on peril and the Demonrats badly want to prevent a midterm bloodbath, probably by starting one.

  3. But but but you see they were Bio DEFENSE weapons and and and Russia were doin’ it, too! And look there’s Fauci on TV, taking a covid victory lap, see we weren’t hiding him! And no, Ukraine was not a squirrel for Fauci, who is now a squirrel for Ukraine. It’s not like that at all.

  4. Everyone screaming for the US to get involved and sending troops over needs to be investigated for money laundering, bribery, voting records, involvement in the labs.
    The bigger reason they want our young people to be killed over there other than midterms and distraction from their ruining our country is to cover their own behinds.

  5. Just a refresher; The bio-labs were in place back when the USSR controlled Ukraine. With the breakup of the USSR the labs in Ukraine have had foreign supporters. That is part of why the US military chemical warfare defense equipment took a major technological leap forward in the late 90’s.

  6. True, CCNV. All the wrong people on the left, and all the usual suspects in RINOville, are hawking for war. Hard pass on war for many reasons, but that one tops the list.

  7. True, TSquared, and the bullshit narrative that “We were only deactivating the former Soviet labs and destroying the toxins” is laughable and insulting. It doesn’t take decades to burn and bleach that stuff away.

  8. Brand and Greenwald are long time dyed in the wool leftists, as are Mahr and some others who are coming to speak sense. Rogan comes across as one of the virtue signaling lefties going along and getting along until he crossed some line or another and got jumped by his erstwhile buddies.

    When Brand or Greenwald come up I go to listen or read because they’re talking sense even though I believe they’re still hard core leftists. Is this a fifth column attack? Have they actually come to reason? Time will tell.


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