Brandon Johnson makes racism his closing pitch in Chicago’s mayoral race – IOTW Report

Brandon Johnson makes racism his closing pitch in Chicago’s mayoral race

WaEx– Chicago will choose its next mayor on Tuesday, and the two candidates are making their closing pitches. Paul Vallas has been focused on crime. Brandon Johnson is making an appeal to racism.

Johnson’s final pitch is that the mayoral race is “about black labor versus white wealth.”

Vallas has consistently held a narrow lead in the polls, as crime has been the top issue Chicago voters have been considering. Meanwhile, Johnson supported defunding the police in the past and has spent much of the campaign trying to hide that fact. With little of a case to make on public safety, he has instead moved toward the kind of racism that progressives love in order to sell his campaign. more

5 Comments on Brandon Johnson makes racism his closing pitch in Chicago’s mayoral race

  1. they will get what they deserve…..they elected Beetlejuice twice so unless they grow a brain, their city will continue to rot and decay and they will have to be proud of that.

  2. Chicago is a s=hole. Downtown is abandoned. Offices are empty. The fancy stores bailed and the windows are boarded up. Murder, carjackings and mayhem everywhere. Taking the train is a suicide pact. Everybody is on the take and looking for the next plunder.

    I’m glad I’m in Florida now


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