Brandon Straka, Founder of #Walkaway, is Assaulted by Hater – IOTW Report

Brandon Straka, Founder of #Walkaway, is Assaulted by Hater

Straka’s team found out the identity of the woman, and in doing so he found out she had a GoFundMe for her ailing mother.

Feeling badly, Straka reversed gears and sought to help the mother out.

He’s a better guy than me because I would first have to find out if the apple had fallen from the tree.

If the mother was of the same mind as the daughter I say “Hasta la Vista.”


27 Comments on Brandon Straka, Founder of #Walkaway, is Assaulted by Hater

  1. I wonder if that is a good way to deal with this hybrid democrat party/nazi/commie/racist/God hating/baby killing/bigoted/ mentally ill….
    Seems to me we need to fight tit for tat like our president.

  2. You know what? I changed my mind. I said a prayer for the ‘ model ‘ with the extremely wide-set eyes.
    I prayed for her to seek the truth about the lies she’s spouting and that she confesses what she’s learned and tells others not to be like her anymore.

  3. Anonymous- I know what you mean. But the reason we keep trying to do it the nice way is because we hope we teach a person here and there and they snap out of it.

    If this person, as an example, is still a bitch after all this, then the gloves come off.

  4. “To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:20‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    By donating and showing her what good people do might just change her warped worldview and mind.

  5. They don’t know what to say about what makes Trump a racist. That they think he is = pure brainwashing. Attacking people who support Trump = more brainwashing and poor impulse control. They are dangerous people.

  6. @Camperfixer — you beat me to it. I still struggle with being glad someone is shamed when I’m heaping the coals, though. lol I don’t think one is supposed to do it for that reason. 😉

    On the gofundme: I see the comment above that they took it down. Do you suppose a light has been shone on a sketchy gofundme campaign? Why would they take it down when this bit of notoriety could breath new life into it? Odd.

  7. It’s kind of people to want to spread their goodness even after being treated viciously by an ignorant, leftist bitch, but I can’t help but think she would take it as an admission that Mr Straka did something wrong. Leftists are twisted like that.

    Plus, it’s possible the rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…

  8. It can’t hurt to be kind to someone so obviously crazy, but there is a limit to being a doormat for tools of left when they spit in your face – just move on. Continue to fight the good fight.
    Straka gave her a chance to act like a decent human being, but sounds like his kindness was rejected. If he doesn’t stop trying to associate with her, she’ll probably file a restraining order against him. Most of the left is rabid. Not much can be done to fix that.
    BTW, bet this “model” is taking her cue from Hollyweird on how to get media attention – assault a conservative to boost her so-called career.

  9. ‘we hope we teach a person here and there and they snap out of it.
    If this person, as an example, is still a bitch after all this, then the gloves come off.’
    Best ever of truer words said!

  10. @AA- Years ago I thought similarly as you until I realized it isn’t so much about us shaming them, its more about them feeling ashamed for their bad behavior when we lead in love…it’s about transforming them through an action fully opposite of what most would automatically do

    The Message paraphrase offers a clearer view of the intent in action (which the mocked fellow embodies):

    “Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he’s thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.”

  11. Yes, it is a good thing to be kind to people in general, but when they reject you’re kindness, it’s best to follow Christ’s instructions for the disciples-works for Staraka’s situation as well;
    “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.” – Matthew 10:14 NIV
    It’s foolish to persist, when someone vehemently rejects your efforts to make peace. As I suggested – move on.

  12. Only the Grace of God can move her.
    She is irrational: “He just is.”
    No basis. No evidence. No nothing. “He just is.”
    You cannot reason with that.
    Try as you might, it cannot be done.

    In the middle ages in the Balkans the ragheads took Christian boys, cut off their balls, and infected them with a virulent izlam while making them (excellent) soldiers to deploy against (yep) the Christians.
    This woman is a modern equivalent – her indoctrination will not allow any semblance of sanity to cross her brow. It is complete.
    The sooner we realize it the better.
    “… [nihilistic socialists] can’t be bargained with … can’t be reasoned with … do[es]n’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And … absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!”

    izlamo delenda est …


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