Bravely Coming Out of 3 Closets at Once – IOTW Report

Bravely Coming Out of 3 Closets at Once

Real Clear Politics

Indiana councilman Ryan Webb, a self-declared lesbian woman of color, talks to Matt Walsh about how easy it was to change his gender and racial identity and the backlash he has gotten from the LGBTQ community, who are now demanding that people must meet certain standards to change their identity. More

24 Comments on Bravely Coming Out of 3 Closets at Once

  1. The son’s teacher said he gave them instructions that he is to be referred to as Top G from now on. I said: Well then Top G it is I guess. My understanding is the kids call the shots, they get to decide their gender, what the name they will be referred to by at school. It sounds to me like you’ve got a problem on your hands.

    I let him know that in my house I’m Top Gangster and if you want that distinction, don’t tell me about it, bring it. As a matter of fact in my hood, you can go ahead and ask who’s Top G and everyone will tell you straight up that it’s the fat bastard that lives down the end of the block.

    Washington State has decided that eight year olds get to decide these things and the school has to go along. You idiots created this monster, deal with it.

  2. Wokeness:
    Get people to turn on each other and turn up the hate
    Promote Mob rule
    Make Looting cool
    Bastardize the language into some kind of Pig Swahili
    Up is down and down is up
    Fabricate “problems” where they don’t exist
    Wokeness in short: How to Niggify a Nation!

  3. Is there like a central registry of Trans where you apply for a license and register your pronouns? If not, there oughta be.

    Perhaps this should be a new federal Bureau. (Hint for Joe: Here’s your campaign theme).

  4. #BelieveAllWomen #MeToo.

    Change nothing, Ryan, you da’ woman! Go girl!

    Except claim a rape charge against Trump. That’ll get you all the positive coverage you deserve.

  5. My hat’s off to councilman Webb! What he’s done is simply brilliant in both its simplicity and its effectiveness. His ploy illuminates in crystal clear fashion the absurdities inherent in “identifying”.


  6. I am always amazed at the inconsistencies of who they believe and what they believe. I am sure a good retort of “Prove It” might help. Also a comment of ‘I don’t think those words mean what you think they mean” might work too.

  7. Serious question:

    A granddaughter is 9yo. Can she identify as living with her only grandparents (whom she loves and who love her) who raised her 24/7 for 4 years from age 3 until her POS dad (term loosely used) found and married a POS babysitter instead of with her cowardly, lying dad and nasty step-babysitter/mom (term loosely used) w/o going through the trashed court system and the satanic CPS?

    Asking for a friend. Sorry. He needed to vent.

  8. OT but related: I *really* want trannies to invade the women’s sports with big money payouts… golf, tennis, basketball, soccer, etc. I’d pay money to go watch an all-tran WNBA team mop the floor their overmatched opponents. Maybe, just maybe, this would bring an end to the gender insanity in sports.

  9. This is a great demonstration by Mr. Webb that being a master troll is not overly complicated. To echo Uncle Al – bravo, sir.

  10. Let’s give some credit to “What is a Woman?” Matt Walsh for snagging this interview and giving a straight-faced performance where both of them can parody being down with the cause. I’m not sure I could have given such a sincere performance that mocks the media who constantly virtue signal this mental illness.

  11. 10:38 minutes of bullshit, blasphemy and an abomination to our creator. Her struggles are just beginning. Our leaders love it, craziness doesn’t recognize crazy. They don’t belong in our society – not mine anyways.

  12. @Mr. Happy at 9:15 am

    Maybe, just maybe, this would bring an end to the gender insanity in sports.

    No way! People will pay to watch a double-down match of this insanity going on. Heck back in the Roman days, faggotry was played out right in front of everyone walking down the street. Murals depicting homosexual acts arrayed the walls of the Romans. If that wasn’t enough entertainment, you could go watch a gladiator get eaten alive by a lion. People will pay, the more perverse the more money will pour in.

  13. He’s a hoot! That interview was excellent. I don’t know how either of them could keep a straight face. I wish it would make some of the trans-things see how ridiculous they look and sound, but I doubt it. 🌈🌈🌈😁

  14. JDHasty at 10:47 am

    @ Goldenfoxx AT 10:08 AM

    More like 10:38 minutes of mockery

    Mock all they want, by their fruits yea shall know them. It’s pretty much over, stand for something or you’ll fall for everything. Saw the Gay Pride tee-shirts for children at WalMart. I bet Sam Walton is rolling in his grave. What his kids won’t do for a buck. Trump has their back. Cringe.

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