Bravo! Two Young Men Develop Gloves That Translate Sign Language Into Speech – IOTW Report

Bravo! Two Young Men Develop Gloves That Translate Sign Language Into Speech

Now people who are deaf and mute can communicate to people who don’t understand sign language.

Now develop something Mexicans wear on their face that interprets Spanish into English.

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13 Comments on Bravo! Two Young Men Develop Gloves That Translate Sign Language Into Speech

  1. They refer to 70 million deaf people worldwide as if they surely speak exact English to ASL. This will benefit maybe not even a hundredth of 1% of those 70 million and those who it could benefit won’t want to use it.

  2. Helen Keller said, “Fktoiyp obnk dmsj ketiyv cosm shdbn fbrf kgohp.”

    Translated, it means, “I’ll need those gloves when Hell freezes over.”

  3. “Access to communication is a basic, fundamental human right, and every single person deserves to be part of the global community.” Good grief. Though their invention is amazing, these little lefty drones are insufferable!

  4. “Though their invention is amazing, these little lefty drones are insufferable!”

    FIFY. Though their invention is amazing, these little lefty globalist drones are insufferable!

  5. Now develop something Mexicans wear on their face that interprets Spanish into English.

    They can learn ONE phrase in 5 GDFKN minutes

    ” We’re LEAVING NOW ! ”
    And then DO IT !!

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