Brazil: Lawmakers Push Right to Own Guns for Self-Defense – IOTW Report

Brazil: Lawmakers Push Right to Own Guns for Self-Defense

Breitbart: Brazilian lawmakers are gearing up to push gun reforms that will recognize citizens’ right to own guns for self-defense.

The goal of peeling back gun control took center stage when it became evident that Jair Bolsonaro would win Brazil’s presidential election. Bolsonaro, a former Army Captain who ran as a law and order candidate, is now president-elect.

On October 19, Bloomberg quoted Bolsonaro defending his support of private firearm ownership, saying, “Why have I always defended the ownership of firearms? It’s so that you, upstanding citizens, with a few requirements, can have a weapon inside your house or your farm. If some guy breaks down the door to your house, knocks down the gate of your farm, you have the right to react.”  MORE

1 Comment on Brazil: Lawmakers Push Right to Own Guns for Self-Defense

  1. I’m delighted with the results of recent elections in Brazil and Italy, and with the success of executives such as Orban in Hungary. This strongly suggests that Donald Trump is not only a sign of ordinary U.S. citizens being fed up with globalist/elitist crap, but also an early harbinger for the widespread installation of fellow nationalists around the world.


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