Brazil’s Populist Minister Slams Climate Alarmism as ‘Marxist Ideology’ – IOTW Report

Brazil’s Populist Minister Slams Climate Alarmism as ‘Marxist Ideology’


Brazil’s new foreign minister said this week that his “main mission” in office is to combat the Marxist ideology of the preceding regime, including “climate alarmism” and abortion.

Ernesto Araújo, named as future foreign minister by president-elect Jair Bolsonaro, said that putting an end to Marxist ideology in Brazil’s foreign policy is “the main mission that the president has entrusted to me” in an op-ed published in the Gazeta do Povonewspaper.

According to Araújo, the Workers’ Party (PT), which governed Brazil for 13 years under Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff, turned the country’s foreign policy into a tool to spread Marxist ideology, and the mission of the new administration is to dismantle that apparatus.

Among the Marxist elements pushed by the PT, Araújo cited climatic alarmism, knee-jerk third-worldism, adherence to abortionist policies in international forums, and the destruction of the identity of peoples through mass immigration.

“All these are elements of the PT’s ideology, that is, of Marxism,” he said.

“To cure a disease it is not enough to say that we detest it; it is necessary to know its causes and manifestations, its strategies and its disguises,” the minister said.  more

5 Comments on Brazil’s Populist Minister Slams Climate Alarmism as ‘Marxist Ideology’

  1. I think it is interesting that earth’s population, at one point in our history, ignored climate change as a sign of the times. All they knew was mist rising from the earth to water it and paid no attention to the fact that nature began to do something it had never done – rain, for 7 days before it began to flood, but then it was too late. They were pre-occupied with inconsequential increments and didn’t see the signs of the times.


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