Bread and Milk!!! Milk and Bread!!! – IOTW Report

Bread and Milk!!! Milk and Bread!!!

Patriot Retort:

Stop the presses! Snow is coming!

I know! What a shock. It snows in winter. Who knew?

Every time New York City is expected to get some snow, they treat it like a big, white Armageddon.

Have you noticed that?

It’s winter. It snows in winter.

As someone who lives in one of the snowiest cities in America, I find this all manner of hilarious.

I remember six or seven years ago we got slammed with lake effect snow on April 17th.

It happens.

Snow happens.

Now here in Syracuse, they’re forecasting about 4-6” of snow tomorrow.

All things considered, that’s nothing.  more

23 Comments on Bread and Milk!!! Milk and Bread!!!

  1. Only concern is for you poor suckers who have to go out to work.

    Wife’s job already cancelled.
    Daughter’s school closed.
    My work is on my computer in my dining room – so I’ll be writing for a couple hours at least (mostly retired).

    Wow – even name the storms now. And we got plenty of bread/cheese and milk and tomato soup!

    Now I got to snow-blow and shovel.

    Sure ain’t my grandfather’s snowstorm.

  2. We are supposed to hand wring and send up desperate prayers to heaven when anything even slightly challenging happens to New York or D.C.. The rest of us in flyover country are eminently dispensable. What a bunch of pussies those bicoastal are.

  3. 23 years ago, there was 16″ of snow on the ground in the Tennessee Valley, less near the river and more in the mountains. We still talk about that time. Sure, some of y’all live further north and that’s not unusual but, it was a lot for us. Good luck, wherever you are.

  4. bought 37 loaves of bread, 6 dozen eggs, and 4 gallons of whole milk, 2 gallons of skim, and 13 gallons of something called ‘almond milk’. Going to be eating french toast for weeks. bring on the snowpocalypse!

  5. I am a little over an hour out from Syracuse and they are hyping the hell out of this storm. I think the newsdude is putting together a audition tape for the daytime shows. The DRAMA! I remember when it used to be a normal thing to get a six inches of snow. We rather expected snow in NY in those days.

  6. Thank heaven there is something more tangible, no matter how infinitesimal, with which the MSM can panic the public.

    Otherwise, we’d have more screaming liberal snowflakes, instead of the real, although not substantial, snowflakes to read about.

  7. It’s common now to close the schools before even the first snowflake falls.

    Forbid that even one kid has to live with a sense of drama in the morning to have to look to see a cancellation.

    I guess it’s all about liability. And that brings up my point:

    It is the lawyers and news reporters fault! (My 2 favorite groups of people to hate)

  8. Snow emergency called, no parking on street out front, can’t get near the grocery store, schools closed before 1st flake, and the garage called and wanted to know if I want to cancel my service and synthetic change at 11am tomorrow?!? /It’s a ferking 4×4, lifted 1.5″ with dual limited slip differentials, 36″ Micky Thompson Baja’s/ … “Yes please cancel, I’ll be too busy playing in the snow” (now 21st @11am instead)

  9. What’s really annoying is that every weather event in NYC is covered breathlessly by the MSN, meanwhile, the rest of the country could be wiped off the face of the earth by space aliens, and the news coverage? Nada.

  10. So just realized, it’s snowing here now and i forgot 2 things. 1. I’m on my 3rd helping of french toast and remembered that I’m lactose intolerant. 2. I forgot to get toilet paper at the store and there isn’t any left…..
    Anyone want to trade a ton of french toast for some TP?

  11. Winter of ’94 chased me out of Pennsylvania to Arizona. My only regret is that I didn’t do it ten years earlier. When friends ask me when I’m going to move back, I tell them, “Just as soon as I get as sick and tired of clear blue skys and warm sunny weather as I was of ice and snow.”

  12. Opened the door to get the paper (paper girl got a 4×4) and asked my dog Maggie (papillon – “squirrel spaniel”) to go out to do her bidness.

    She took one look and went to the hallway and pooped and peeded all over the wood floor.

    She then got up on my lap and told me she loved me big-time.

    Snowstorm! Snowstorm! (About 9 inches out there and had to look up at the top of the snow – I had made a walkway for her but she chose to ignore it – smart dog.)

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