Breakfast – IOTW Report


Nice Easy Recipe HERE

22 Comments on Breakfast

  1. No commercials here. I like the kids playing in the background. Some fancy pan there. Never seen one like that. If I tried folding that tortilla like that it would’ve split and cracked and spilled all the contents in the pan.

  2. In the summer when I’m busy, I’ll mix up 1 doz. eggs, a pack of cooked bacon, diced peppers & omions. Mix it all up with a TBS of water. Bake it on a cookie sheet. Cut up into sandwich size pieces.
    Morning, toast bread, butter, nuke egg slice 30 sec, assemble. Bacon, egg, cheese sandwich in 3 min.

  3. An attractive young woman with skills in the kitchen and also very comfortable with knives who’s content to dress traditionally in a traditional feminine role.

    I’m surprised the Commies haven’t howeled for YT to cancel her yet.

  4. I watched until the potatoes. Too much work.

    I had blueberry waffles from the freezer and two slices of thick cut bacon with a cup pf coffee.

  5. I love to cook, but have zero time. Used to cook all the time, as work was a bit less hectic then. My daughter and I could cook anything, and we work very well together in a small kitchen.

    Miss those days…

    Does sound like a good idea with different ingredients. Maybe on a slow weekend.

  6. the only TV I miss was watching is the cooking channel
    the best turkey cooking advice was from Emeril Lagasse

    mix carrots, celery, & onion chunks with olive oil then stuff it in the bird instead of the breaded stuffing
    I also cook the bird upside down low & slow overnight (200°)
    with the fatty part on top, it self bases plus the veggies keep the bird from getting dry then use the celery cooked in the bird for the bread stuffing
    you’ll have so much meat drippings you’ll have plenty to make the dressing and still have enough to not run out of gravy

  7. I quit things made with wheat, sugar and starchy foods.

    3 eggs over easy/medium, 2 strips of thick sliced applewood bacon, previously cooked in oven, nuked in microwave and an avocado.

    Medium heat #7 Griswold cast iron, throw in some butter and 3 cracked eggs, wait a minute, flip, turn heat off. Halve avocado, squeeze the halves onto a plate. Salt eggs in the pan. Sip coffee. Nuke bacon. Drink more coffee. Squeeze bacon with the paper towel it was nuked on to remove grease. Plate bacon and eggs. Eat it all in about 3 minutes. Wipe cast iron clean with paper towel, rinse avocado knife and small metal spatula, plate and fork in dishwasher. Face the day.

  8. I have no time for that. Pack of peanut butter crackers & a bottle of water will get me to lunch. Some people have to work. Should probably be doing that now


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