Breaking: – IOTW Report



21 Comments on Breaking:

  1. Megyn Kelly can go cry on Rosie’s pork shoulder and comfort her. I just lost respect for her and Trump put that phony outrage beeeoootttccch in her place.

  2. This is smart, not only is there no conservative alive that likes Rosie O’Donnell, there is no conservative alive that does not want her business ended.

  3. Megyn Kelley had absolutely no reason to ask that question of Donald Trump. All it proved was that the MSM wants to control the narrative in this coming election, and that Donald Trump threatens that end.

    Megyn Kelley was out of line with that backhanded personal attack.

    Also, when Kelley commented on Trumps comment to one of his shows people “looking good on her knees”, Trump should have came right back at her and said, “you’d never catch me saying that about Hillary Clinton”. Trump would have made Kelley look like a total ass.

  4. I never expected Megyn Kelly to go after Trump the way she did. It was possible to ask the same question without the phony outrage and condescension. I think a couple things are at work here:

    A) MK wants to ward off criticism of being too easy on Republicans
    2) The tentacles of the Washington/Wall Street cartel have seized control of Fox News
    2a) MK dislikes the Donald for some reason
    C) I need lessons in outlining and indexing

    Great job Ted and Ben in particular! My 2 cents, anyhoo…
    Will catch the other previous debate soon to hear Carly

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