Breaking News: Trump Signed the Pledge – IOTW Report

Breaking News: Trump Signed the Pledge

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42 Comments on Breaking News: Trump Signed the Pledge

  1. Actually good for him. He knew if he ran it would guarantee the WH for the Democrats. Further to KMM’s poin,t it’s a shame he didn’t get the GOP Party leadership to sign a similar pledge giving full support in all areas to the eventual GOP nominee. They probably wouldn’t fulfill the pledge but at least when they are challenged at re-election time their opponents would have something to wave in their faces. It would have made great press as well.

  2. I expect that this is total 1-sided loyalty being demanded by GOP and that they will continue to stealth-undermine candidates to steer things according to their agenda. Liars, cheaters, thieves in the past. I expect the same going forward.

  3. “Fairness” MY A§$.
    GOP Dirty Tricks in 3…2…1…

    Remember McDaniels/Cochran.
    Remember Cuccinelli.

    At latest, in the smoke-filled backrooms at the GOP Convention: Rubio or some other tool.

    Hope I’m wrong.
    But: this IS the Vichy GOP we’re talking about.

  4. Trump should have only agreed to a dual signing ceremony, requiring the who’s who of GOP Establishment to pledge to an honest primary process free of their standard and usual dirty tricks.

    Trump should have only signed the pledge if the RNC/GOP Establishment pledged not to use dishonest under the table tactics to ensure their choice was the winner of the primary vote. And pledged to resign from the party, and any future fund raising, if there is even a smidgeon of evidence that they participated in the same kinds of tricks that nominated Bob Dole, John McCain , and Mitt Romney.

    I’m not sure how many and who would be required to sign. But Karl Rove would be on the list.

  5. Very magnanimous of Trump. He’s picking his battles wisely. His supporters know the GOPe fools don’t really matter. Besides, Trump just wants to be sure all his supporters can vote for him.

  6. Does anybody really think that the george wills of the party will pull the lever for trump if he’s the nominee.

    Conservatives sat out elections when the party put up stooges like romney.

    The establishment people won’t sit out. People like george will are going to go to the polls and vote. For freakin hillary.

    In fact, i’d be shocked if there weren’t republican senators who vote for hillary. does anyone really think john mccain will vote for trump over hillary>

  7. Maybe he didn’t get anything, but what did he make them agree to that would benefit others (like the conservative base of the R party)?

    I’m not saying it happened, I’m just hoping he hurt the GOPe.

  8. As a p.s. to the above, some over at Conservative Treehouse have said that Trump pointedly emphasized that he got “nothing” because (even though a pledge is not a contract) a contract is only effective/legitimate if both parties exchange something of value. Perhaps it provides wiggle room if he needs to get out of it?

  9. I am predicting a 40 plus state blowout for Tromp. As it stands right now Tromp would win in a landslide. I know people that can barely spell “republican” let alone know what one is that say they are voting for him. I know people that have not ever voted or have not voted in years that are 100% for him and will vote.

    There will be a huge turnout of people that are outside of the normal voting numbers that are not being calculated into the predictions. If you are not a shut-in and have interactions with real people you know what Im saying is true. Tromp is extremely popular right now and he has been for as long as I can remember. People know him already, and they like him and believe him.

    Obama had 99.5% of the black vote in 08 and 12. But what he did was bring an awful lot of black couch potatoes and front stoop/lobby dwellers to the polls that never bother to vote. They voted for the 1st black and were not going to sit home for that. Da Tromp is going to do the same thing except it will be whites and lots of clear headed Hispanics going to the polls this time.

    We must not let Tromp be a flash in the pan or a last grasp of air for a suffocating man. Take time to explain to the ignorant that it is Tromp vs. the corrupt thieves in both parties and not to believe the lies about him.

  10. Trump also put the RNC/GOPe on notice. He pointedly stated that he only attacks when he has been attacked first. The RNC is on notice, and with the signed pledge, Trump can now call them out. I’d call it a win-win.

  11. Thanks, whiskeycart, I figure this “navigator” jerk is a GOPe moby or some suck…er…such. I mean, anyone can prognosticate (that’s fancy-speak for masturbating into the future)!

    The key is how to get to the future we desire!

  12. I’m for Cruz 2016… you wrong-again, babbling, know nothing turd stain. You got out-Trumped by your own damb candidate, dopey. Is this resonating yet, numb nutz? Your ego must be bigger than his because you can’t even admit that your half thoughts just got trumpled on.

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