Breaking: NYT/CBS Reporting Sean Spicer Resigned – IOTW Report

Breaking: NYT/CBS Reporting Sean Spicer Resigned

Both the NYT and CBS News are reporting early this afternoon that White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has resigned. Both sources are reporting he tendered his resignation after the President added Anthony Scaramucci as communications director.


Major Garrett at CBS speculates that Reince Priebus is next Here

27 Comments on Breaking: NYT/CBS Reporting Sean Spicer Resigned

  1. Trump needs to get his act together and quick. While we laugh at the Dems they’ve been at this tall grass business a lot more then Trump has. I think the next thing to do is Trump ask for Reibus’s resignation and (assuming they get along) bring Sarah Palin in. She’s take the heat off this russian fraud, she doesn’t suffer fools gladly, is loyal and I suspect can spot a Dem plant from a mile away. It would drive the Dems nuts and maybe upset some of their plans and allow Trump to move his agenda forward faster. She’s used to being personally and professionaly attacked and has shown she can handle it. That’s if she’d even take the job and if the job were offered.

  2. The Gunny,

    I tell ya, Kushner gives me really bad vibes. Always has. Ivanka as well. They are both lefty climate change nitwits. Nothing good can come from that.

    I hope Spicer stays on board in some capacity simply because the libtards hated him so much.

    Besides, what will SNL’s Melissa McCarthy do now that he’s gone?


    Remember when there used to be news? Are you really interested in the inner workings of the White House Press Secretary? I turned on FoxNews and they were jabbering and gossipping like school girls.

    Media overkill.

  4. Ahh, now we will lose Sean Spicier’s twitter (Dr. Tar has a link). The libs never figured out that he/she wasn’t Sean Spicer and there was no blue check mark. I am sure that person will morph to the next press secretary.
    I am not fond of Ivanka or her husband either.

  5. I’m thinking someone along the lines of a Joe Pesci in Goodfellas.
    – In this day and age, what the f*** is this world coming to?
    – Just don’t go busting my balls, okay?
    – Ya Dizzy Motherf***a You!
    – Thought you’d never shut the f*** up!

  6. I’m sorry to see Sean Spicer go. I have a soft spot for him because he put a valiant fight against the daily drubbing the WH press corpse put him through. Can’t know the nitty gritty details of this change and WON’T believe a damn word the media has to say about it. They will spin like a washing machine.

  7. Remember Sean Spicer has two jobs in the administration, he will devote full time to the other job where he won’t have to deal with a crop of rude grade school mentalities every dsy.

  8. Couldn’t agree more @super patriot! Just changed the channel on those Foxnews Specialists morons acting as if this is some sort of huge crisis and will negatively affect Pres. Trump’s agenda. Pompous asses think it is so important to placate the White House press Corps when the rest of us could care less who the hell is communicating with these treacherous weasels. Starting to really despise FoxNews and its sensationalistic garbage and the direction it’s headed.

  9. @Rufus T. Firefly

    Well this might open up a new opportunity for Chris Kattan to come back to SNL and play Scaramucci. hopefully it’ll keep Kattan’s ass off the roads here always driving under the influence. better he do that back in NY.

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