His Senate acct is here: @SenMastriano
-This is just comical now
-I’m not laughing at the situation. I’m laughing at how far they will go to cover up their crimes.
-This is INSANITY! Who thinks this is OK? Anytime someone speaks up about corruption they are suspended???
-Someone is so scared.
But the PA Legislature needs to know that the whole country is watching them.
Someone saw this coming
JDHasty NOVEMBER 25, 2020 AT 3:13 PM
Guarandamntee you this, Democrats, the media and Silicon Valley are looking for ways to keep the public from hearing these testimonies.
I love how determined Twitter is to prove how unbiased they are about this fraudulent election. It’s like they are leaning on Death’s Doorway just to prove they can’t go straight to Hell when it opens for them, which could be in just a few weeks time. Jack Dorsey must think he’s not killable, just like Rasputin thought for a few hours.
Sydney Powell efiling her GA case rihht now. She is currently uploading the files.
The Senator will look at this this as a badge of Honor.
HUGE! PA Lawmaker: Democrat Governor Wolf MANDATED Dominion Voting Systems — It was NOT Voted on by Lawmakers
A lot of shit is going down tonight
DON’T be a twit.
🖕🤬🖕 tweeter! 😠
(How’s that
“unity”“submission” workin’ out SO far? :mad:)It’s so nice seeing the media goose stepping for their chosen national leaders….
This is the color revolution. Exactly how it works. Next step is to shut down all conservative sights. It’s gonna happen fast. Enjoy the ride.
Yeah, totally doesn’t make the dems look guilty at all.
Insurrection Act now
If you are invited by Mr. Twit to stand in his yard and talk to the neighbors and you see a serious crime being committed, you would be expected by common decency to speak up to call for help and warn those neighbors of the criminal activity.
As you start your warning, Mr. Twit comes up and puts his hands over your mouth to silence your warning call, thus allowing the criminal to get away.
Doesn’t that make Mr. Twit an accessory to the crime?
KRAKEN RELEASED! Attorney Sidney Powell Files 104 Page Complaint of Massive Fraud in Georgia Election
nothing matters until the ‘first Monday after the second Wednesday in December.’
Until then, all talk about who won the 2020 presidential election is just speculation.
So, shutup yo msm mouths you domestic enemies of the republic.
you have been canceled
A second Kraken has been turned loose in Michigan
There is an old saying that goes like this: Discovery is a Bitch.
Happy Motherfucking Thanksgiving Dems! Hope y’all look good in an orange jumpsuit
If biden goes into office you can kiss America’s ass goodbye!! Be sure to thank a democrat anyway you think best.
My worry of late is that some of the key people in this vote corruption investigation will be found dead or disappear.