BREAKING- White Hat Hackers Log Into Voting Machines With WIFI – Something that was said to be impossible – IOTW Report

BREAKING- White Hat Hackers Log Into Voting Machines With WIFI – Something that was said to be impossible

Dominion machines are a joke, They were built to be corrupt, and these hackers prove it.

This election shall not stand!

ht/ joe6pak

21 Comments on BREAKING- White Hat Hackers Log Into Voting Machines With WIFI – Something that was said to be impossible

  1. There’s no way that Raffensperger and Kemp didn’t know the machines could be accessed remotely. This just proves (even more so) that they’ve been lying the whole time. The only reason they would have to lie about all of this is that they made corrupt deals with Dominion and face a lot of prison time if their corruption is discovered.

    And according to recent reports, Raffensperger has added about $20 million in Dominion equipment for this election cycle to the $105 million Kemp approved when he was SoS. I think Lin Wood is right about these lying sacks of dung being bought and paid for.

  2. just the fact that they are hackable is sufficient.
    The machines were said to not be able to ‘go online’
    They obviously must present a presence to entice hackers.
    but they most likely just used purloined passwords; they didn’t need to go to the extent of hacking. But they could have and might have.
    The fact that the machines had the capability to go online is sufficient- and we were told that was not possible.
    They cheat, they lie and they steal.

    bernie sanders said that ‘bread lines are good.’
    I’d rather see a line of people waiting to vote with paper ballots and and ID.


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