BREITBART SPEAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! – IOTW Report

BREITBART SPEAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take this, #NeverTrump

57 Comments on BREITBART SPEAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. I miss him, great guy!

    To me, Trump IS the other side. He spent a lifetime helping them defeat us so he could enrich himself. How much money has Trump donated to the TEA party vs Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Weiner, Hiliary, Emanual, Wrangle, Cumo……..?

  2. I have righteous indignation on my side.
    Breitbart is my “spirit animal.”
    No one is ever going to convince me that allowing occupy a victory
    because you Think/Fear/Suspect Trump *might* do leftist things in office is a lucid plan.
    It’s the plan of a fucking knucklehead.

    It’s like shooting yourself because you think you might be dying.

  3. My video Trumps your video.
    Don’t even try..
    Breitbart would say Romney wasn’t a conservative, and as you see above, he said he stood by him because … OCCUPY IS THE OTHER SIDE.

    Your position is fucking asinine. Don’t even get me started.

  4. Why do you build the strawman?
    The issue is NOT whether Trump is a conservative or not.
    You have Andrew saying Trump isn’t a conservative.
    Whoooooopty Friggin doooooo.
    When was that the issue?
    If a conservative doesn’t win the primary you’re going to sit in the corner and push out a doody?

    Breitbart would never have considered Romney a conservative. but look what he says about coalescing around Romney.

    And here is the rest of the clip where he warns the rest of the field that if they do not get their act together they are going to lose to a celebrity candidate because celebrity is everything in America today.

  5. You have to look at it this way.

    If Trump is the nominee and your choice in the fall is either Trump or a socialist/communist who states explicitly that they intend to transform (read:destroy) this country than you have no real choice, but to vote for Trump. In that case Trump may very well be a closet turncoat liberal who ends up being as bad as the Democrat would have been, but at least you have hope he might be as he currently presents himself.

    It’s a choice between what you know for sure and what you suspect. In that case you go with suspect since it leaves room for hope that he won’t be as bad.

    I do understand the people who don’t like Trump and who are in the vein of “NeverTrump”, simply because they do not like someone telling them yet again to hold their nose and vote for another candidate who in their opinion is total crap. While I do not agree, I do see the point of not wanting to be pushed into it yet again.

  6. Obviously Andrew is Omni Present and some sort of Conservative truth seerer. Ah God.
    I prefer to think of him as a great conservative spokesman. Menderman, you are an idiot.

  7. You’re wrong again Menderman.

    That is not what Breitbart was about.
    He is saying the party has to get HIP.
    He is saying that the reason they are languishing at 2 and 3 percent is because they are beltway dinosaurs that do not know how to play the media.
    Breitbart was a proponent of playing the media. He was a proponent of becoming more pop oriented.
    What he’s saying is that if the candidate cannot learn how to be bigger than simply a DC figure you’re going to lose, and a celebrity candidate is going to win, and don’t cry about it, because that is who wins today.

    The perfect candidate would be a conservative with name recognition, who has pop appeal, charisma, and had conservative values.
    The perfect candidate is not some conservative DC shmo with no name recognition and no charisma.
    THAT is what Brietbart is saying.

  8. Menderman, Andrew was just a man. I’m one of his biggest fans. You cheapen his legacy by trying to turn him into a from the grave visionary. Yes, your an idiot. Odds are he’d be a Trump fan. Nobody wanted to see this crap burned down more than him.

  9. Yes, he was saying that we need a candidate that needs to learn how to “play” the media, I fully agree. As I see it, he was prompting the good candidates that share his values learn that approach or we lose to a candidate that has that approach that does not share his values.

  10. I don’t agree, Bad Brad, that he’d be a Trump fan.

    What we do know is that he didn’t think he was a conservative, but he admired his media skills,

    We also know that Breitbart said the right most coalesce around the right’s candidate because the alternative is THE LEFT.

    Anyone saying they “suspect” Trump is the left, therefore, Hillary should be president, is a retarded dipshit.
    It’s just plain as day.

  11. BFH, with all do respect the term conservative means very little these days. It’s a term that no longer has any definition. But Andrew was very very intuitive. And honestly I think he’d take one look at Teddy and see right thru him. Just my opinion, obviously. Just so you know I was and am a huge Breitbart fan.

    Roll the tape of Teddy handing out Teddy Bears on the border with that brain dead mofo Beck.

  12. I don’t need to “suspect” Trump is a lefty, all I need to do is review his history. It takes a leap of faith to believe he has changed his ways.

    If you choose to call me a retarded dipshit because I don’t trust him, so be it. You can’t shame me or insult me into accepting him.

  13. Okay, I’m gonna enter into this fray.

    Brad’s right, and it’s interesting that this hasn’t got much play here in the comments that there are a lot of Republicans who are starting to question what “conservative” really means anymore. Cripes, the conversation was launched weeks ago by that stupid NR anti-Trump issue and it has morphed into the #NeverTrump lunacy. They’d like us to think it’s a bigger circle now, but I think it’s always been about the same players — more have crawled out from under their rocks. That will be their undoing. They honestly think they have so much more influence than they really have. But the more hysterical they become and the more they fight about who is and isn’t a “conservative”, the more concerned Americans push back against their elitist snobbery. It’s smacks of blue-nosed, blue-stockinged, blue-bloods sniffing derisively at us mongrels who just want to solve some major problems and not get hung up over pedigrees.

    With nation-killing debt, horrifying unemployment, worse national security and no end to any of it in sight, we don’t care who you are! It’s like this, either you’re part of the problem or you’re part of the solution. So if Cruz and company want to cut their snotty noses off to spite America, that’s their problem, but we’re not going to let them make it our problem. There are enough real problems to keep everyone busy for the next few years at least.

    In Maslow’s hierarchy, we are sitting at the bottom of the pyramid — a place most Americans over 50 would not have dreamed ever happening! it’s not the place from which you make arguing over being “conservative” or not a high priority. And the people who are arguing over it are damned fools.

  14. AA, exactly. Are the impressive numbers of blacks, Latinos, and Democrats that will turn out and vote for this guy conservative? I dunno. Were they when they voted for Reagan? I’m not smart enough to know the answer to that. But I am smart enough to know why they will vote for him.

  15. Mr. Hat its time to get off the pot or shit. Are you full in for Cruz or Trump? You have played all of us long enough. The time is getting late. Your bet.

  16. Geoff,
    My position is clear.
    I am anti-left.

    Cruz would do nicely as an anti-left president.
    Trump is not as solidly right as Cruz, but is absolutely right enough to do nicely as an anti-left president.

    Chris Christie is right enough,
    Marco Rubio is right enough,
    John Kasich is right enough,
    Mitt Romney is right enough when compared against the left-wing candidate.

    My anger at this point is with the #NeverTrump coalition, who have now started to compile a blacklist of Trump supporters on Twitter.
    To do what with, I don’t know, but the practice is hideous.

    I supported Romney in 2012 because that’s what we had up against Obama. During the primary I was anti-Romney, very much so.
    (I felt hypocritical then, having to switch gears like that.
    I vowed that wouldn’t happen in 2016.)

    So, should I have been on a blacklist the last 4 years??

    I’ve been in wait and see mode so I could enthusiastically lend my support to the GOP candidate.
    Now I’m being made to feel that I’d be dogshit in the conservative community because if Trump is the nominee and I push for him
    over Hillary I will have problems with them.

  17. I like ham! But seriously BFH has always been an anti-left/liberal/progressive fighter first and a strong fighter has he been since the day I first arrived.

  18. Fur, (Up, because it’s time to let the cats out. 5:18 AM! Arghh! Geoff will answer when he’s up, but I’m going to give you a response, too.)

    The only way Ted Cruz will win the nomination is if he wrangles it away at the convention, and it will be from a position of fewer — probably a lot fewer — delegates than Trump. I know that sounds like a bold statement, but if you look at many of the big-delegate blue states, the ones that Republicans don’t even bother to campaign in, Trump has huge pockets of support that are growing by the day. No other candidate can make the credible claim that all these new Republican voters have switched sides or are voting for the first time because of them, especially not Ted Cruz. He has neither the name recog nor the appeal.

    Sure, Cruz will probably knock the ball out of the park in Utah today, but Utah will not figure prominently in the GE, but states like Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New York and California will.

    A week or so ago I suggested that Cruz is now the “splitter” candidate. The GOPe have come right out and said he is the only viable candidate left in their arsenal to “Stop Trump.” They all know he’s one of theirs. We all know it, too. This idea that Cruz is an outsider is complete theater. I don’t know how anyone can say that given his superPAC money and real politicization of issues. It’s absurd.

    Finally, the “Conservative” blogosphere is not paying attention to anything outside their bubble. They are as bad as the Beltway crowd. Their confirmation bias is showing, big time.

  19. “God does not set a budget and protect us from those who seek to do our country harm.”

    Which is exactly the point.

    Perhaps it was always this way but politics in America has now reached the point (on all sides) where many people don’t want mere leaders, but are longing for literal saviors from something or other.

    I completely understand the frustration and desperation that leads people to this end, but it opens uncloseable doors to much deception and wickedness and is, indeed, a form of idolatry.

    But it’s all symptomatic of what the Word of God says is going to take place before the return of Christ, so I’m not particularly worried about it. I’ll still vote but I won’t worry, whatever the outcome…the righteous Lord is still possessor of heaven and earth and He alone will yet set all things right.

    Beware making flesh your strength and hope.

  20. Forgot to add: If Trump enters the convention with a clear lead in delegates, it will be there for all to see how the Machine Politicians have rigged the nomination in order to win. If Cruz is the splitter (and I believe he is) he will not get the nomination. The GOPe will kick him straight to the curb. Hell’s bells, I hate being this cynical, but my guess is Cruz and the RNC have already discussed this and he will gladly give up the slot in order to keep his political career. That’s how they all roll.

    (Now I’m going back to bed.)

  21. Ooops, not quite:

    Where were all the statements of outrage from the RNC or the GOPe this weekend over the Leftist pukes who blocked the roads leading to Fountain Hills? Where were they when violence broke out in Chicago that denied Americans of their civil rights? Right. They were nowhere to be found. They were simpatico with the freaking Left! And Cruz and Rubio went even further than tacit agreement! What more evidence does anyone need to know none of those guys are on our side? The “conservatives” think no one is seeing all this?? They’re crazy.

  22. Beware making flesh your strenght and hope. Indeed…..

    “Utah has an incredible opportunity. So many Christians have been standing up. But all throughout the South the Evangelicals are not listening to their God. Let us raise a standard in Utah.” Glenn (looney tunes) Beck at Choose Cruz, Keep the Promise rally. Yuk!

  23. Grool, I dont necessarily agree. Beck isnt running, he is one guy who took the lead from the candidate he supports who is part of the deception, Cruz. For the record I dont care for any “talking heads” and their fan bases only help to create self absorbed wealthy big mouths with huge eogs, but thats just me 😉

    “If we awaken and energize the body of Christ– if Christians and people of faith come out and vote our values– we will win and we will turn the country around” – Cruz

    Cruz supporters claim you cant hold him accountable for what Beck says. But Beck, his most vocal (outside Levin) supporter and campaing rally cheerleader, simply echos Cruz’s message.

  24. @BFH – I get it. #NeverTrump is bad.

    Anxiously awaiting your lectures to your multiple readers here who have posted #NeverCruz responses. I won’t hold my breath.

  25. That wasn’t me. I dont hate Cruz, I just dont think he can beat Hillary or win the nomination. He blew it, over and over again. Trying to claim #NeverCruz is even in the same ball park as the #NeverTrump movement is silly.

  26. late to the game but I need to say this: THANK YOU BFH for posting that. The more this drags on the more I think Trump is a lunatic. I was actually considering not voting if he was on the ticket. But as Breitbart said- its not about the candidate it is about ‘them losing’.

    I will be playing this loop in my cellphone as I stand in line this November.

  27. “Cruz supporters claim you cant hold him accountable for what Beck says.”

    Cruz has needed to issue a clear rejection of Beck’s delusional visions from the start, but he hasn’t that I’ve seen.

  28. I don’t trust Trump either. But when it comes down to the general election, I’ll vote for him (if he makes it) rather than NOT vote for POTUS because Fuck Leftists, that’s why.

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