Breitbart Vs. Soros – IOTW Report

Breitbart Vs. Soros

Breitbart: Investigations by Breitbart News into the global network run by George Soros have contributed to the negative atmosphere the billionaire has been facing in Europe, Politico reported on Tuesday.

The news outlet reported the Hungarian government’s move to minimize the influence of Soros’s Open Society Foundations and other foreign-funded non-governmental organizations, or NGO’s, is being “seemingly buoyed by U.S. President Donald Trump’s election victory and the ascendance of the alt-right in Washington.”

Politico reported on the role of Breitbart News in exposing Soros, falsely labeling the news agency an “alt-right website.” Breitbart News, recently ranked as the 29th most trafficked U.S. website by the Alexa rankings system, is an independent news website considered by many to be the largest conservative news site in America. It has no affiliation with the so-called alt-right movement.

Politico reported:

The American alt-right website Breitbart, formerly run by Stephen Bannon, now White House chief strategist, has long fixated on Soros, accusing him of trying to bring down Europe’s borders, furthering the migrant crisis and funding Trump’s opponents.

The perceived sympathy within the Trump administration for anti-Soros sentiments appears to have emboldened politicians throughout Central and Eastern Europe to intensify their assault on Soros-backed groups. …

These efforts have already borne fruit: two letters, one signed by Republican Senator Mike Lee and the other by six House Republicans, were sent to the U.S. Mission in Macedonia in mid-January inquiring about U.S. funding for Open Society Foundation projects in Macedonia.

Politico went on to report the Hungarian parliament’s plans to submit a bill on the manner in which NGOs operate within the country. Although the text of the proposed law has not yet been made public, it is widely believed that the bill will seek to require such organizations to make public the amount of money received from foreign sources.  Israel passed a similar measure last July.

Sentiments against Soros have been rising in numerous European nations, including Romania, Poland, Serbia, Bulgaria and Slovakia, Politico reported.  read more

16 Comments on Breitbart Vs. Soros

  1. It’s interesting that the countries cited in the article are former Soviet Union satellite nations. These folks have seen what leftist policies lead to, and want no part of it. Why U.S. leftists want to promote these policies is beyond me.

  2. TN Tuxedo – No, Soros IS the Devil. I hope Breitbart continues to expose this bastard and hounds him back to Hell where he belongs.
    BTW – since when is Breitbart an “alt-right website”? I always thought POLITICO was a shit web site and now I’m totally convinced! :^#

  3. Soros doesn’t work alone. His groupies carry out his plans and they’ll be well funded by his trust fund long after he has transformed into worm excrement. You don’t really think Soros intends for his life mission to end when he does, do you?

  4. That Scalia was murdered without evoking outrage and that Soros enjoys the sun on his face any day and anywhere he chooses, tells you all you need to know about Mankind.

    There certainly is NO distinction to make about gender.
    We’ve all been lobotomized and NEUTERED.

  5. In the summer of 2007 I lived with friends in Macedonia. The youngest son was a member of a NGO and we occasionally hung out at their headquarters where I had many conversations with other members. (As they were from various countries English was their universal language.) None were ideologically driven, instead they were doing it because there were no jobs available and probably had never heard of George Soros. They were curious about my libertarian ideas, did not oppose them, and were especially interested when I told them about the NRA.

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