Breitbart’s Credo – IOTW Report

Breitbart’s Credo


93 Comments on Breitbart’s Credo

  1. “I don’t think you’ve got a good grip on that term.”

    Okay, you’ve convinced me! I’ll just ignore his entire history of supporting and praising the worst of the worst progressive scumbags including hillary.

    Are you familiar with the term “cognitive dissonance?”

  2. Someday when Brian grows up he’ll be able to use his own words instead of regurgitating Glenn Beck’s toxic vitriol. Hey Brian, here’s what adults know to be true, ‘Progressives’ do NOT propose the following Trump proposals. They don’t donate to Ted Cruz and hundreds of other Republicans as well you selfish, self-righteous, self-defeating, Hillary enabling “Never Trump’ TRAITOR!

  3. Brian, that being the ‘your’ truth, you should vote for him! You’ve just made the case that you are on the ‘other side,’ right? If you are right, then you couldn’t find a better person to represent your views! Certainly more electable than Hillary Rodham-Clinton, yes? Problem solved.

  4. You know, I’ve lurked and watched the (not so) slow decline around this joint and it has been sad to watch. The descent into rabid group-think and puerile, juvenile, backslapping is complete. Dissent and honest questions are verboten. And mocked. Swap out the names and this would be indistinguishable from a circa ’08 obama fanboy site.

    It is truly pathetic.

  5. I don’t believe you’ve got a good grip on that one either.

    But go ahead, sit it out because nothing says progressive leftist(that’s another term you don’t have a grasp of as it’s redundant-my parrot does as well as you…hey wait a sec, Kula is that you on mom’s computer??) like someone that supports 2A, wants to close our borders to illegals & drug traffic, lower taxes, eliminate regulations, seek out the best trade deals for our country, has raised a beautiful family, none of whom have ever had trouble with the law, send back the “syrian refugees” and appoint originalists to the SC.

  6. I can’t wait to see Trump “supporting” Hillary during this election season.
    He’s going to show up at the debates and just point at her and say “what she said.”

    He’s going to agree with her on EVERY policy opinion.
    He’s going to agree that Mexicans are just dreamers, coming here for a new life and we should embrace them and leave them alone.
    He’s going to praise Islam and say we should open our arms to them because they’ve been getting a raw deal.
    He’s not going to repeal the death tax, he’s going to raise it.
    He’s not going protect 2A, he’s going to do exactly what Hillary wants, guns gone.

    He’s going to continue weakening the military and shitting on the vets.
    He’s going to continue the attack on Israel and Christians.
    He’s not going to do a thing about ISIS, he’s going to focus on LGBT causes, smashing the wage gap and the glass ceiling and do a sit down with Sharpton and BLM.

    He’s going to end the coal industry, just like Hillary said she’s going to do, despite saying he’s going to reinvigorate our coal industry.

    He’s going to protect that smelt, and not work to open up water rights to farmers.

    In short, he’s completely lying and he’s going to do the exact opposite of what he’s been campaigning on.

  7. “But go ahead, sit it out because nothing says progressive leftist(that’s another term you don’t have a grasp of as it’s redundant-my parrot does as well as you…hey wait a sec, Kula is that you on mom’s computer??) like someone that supports 2A, wants to close our borders to illegals & drug traffic, lower taxes, eliminate regulations, seek out the best trade deals for our country, has raised a beautiful family, none of whom have ever had trouble with the law, send back the “syrian refugees” and appoint originalists to the SC.”

    How persuasive.

    So what makes you believe trump NOW?

  8. “I can’t wait to see Trump “supporting” Hillary during this election season.
    He’s going to show up at the debates and just point at her and say “what she said.”

    He’s going to agree with her on EVERY policy opinion.
    He’s going to agree that Mexicans are just dreamers, coming here for a new life and we should embrace them and leave them alone.
    He’s going to praise Islam and say we should open our arms to them because they’ve been getting a raw deal.
    He’s not going to repeal the death tax, he’s going to raise it.
    He’s not going protect 2A, he’s going to do exactly what Hillary wants, guns gone.

    He’s going to continue weakening the military and shitting on the vets.
    He’s going to continue the attack on Israel and Christians.
    He’s not going to do a thing about ISIS, he’s going to focus on LGBT causes, smashing the wage gap and the glass ceiling and do a sit down with Sharpton and BLM.

    He’s going to end the coal industry, just like Hillary said she’s going to do, despite saying he’s going to reinvigorate our coal industry.

    He’s going to protect that smelt, and not work to open up water rights to farmers.

    In short, he’s completely lying and he’s going to do the exact opposite of what he’s been campaigning on.”

    You don’t think that there’s any possibility whatsoever that The Donald supported hillary and those of her ilk for so long because he truly AGREED with them? And perhaps still does? And is perhaps crafty enough to say the LOUD WORDS necessary to sway a righteously pissed-off electorate?

    Nah, I’m sure he’s totally on our side. Now.

  9. You know, I’ve lurked and watched the (not so) slow decline around this joint and it has been sad to watch. >>

    Yes.. We have declined to the point where we want to block the Clintons from returning to the white house.
    This site is insane, I tell ya!!!

  10. Wow, you really fancy yourself some sort of sleuth, eh, AA?

    Again, IP addresses are easy for admins to look up.

    I am, and have always been, just me.

    But please do enjoy your delusions.

  11. “Yes.. We have declined to the point where we want to block the Clintons from returning to the white house.
    This site is insane, I tell ya!!!”

    By full-throatedly supporting one of their best buds and supporters?

  12. So, in short, you’d rather drink the bottle labeled “Hillary Rodham Clinton- Definitely POISON”
    than the bottle labeled “Donald J. Trump – There are suspicions out there that he “might” be lying and this bottle *might* contain poison” ?

    And you have the nerve to *facepalm* someone and throw around the played-out term “cognitive dissonance?”

  13. Brian, what is it about the 30 year-long corruption, criminality, progressiveness and lying by the Clinton’s that allows you to look the other way simply because you have suspicion that Trump *might* be lying about his right-wing agenda?

    I’m not sure you have your priorities straight. They may be coming from a place that is not based in fact or logic, but of emotion.

    I suspect that maybe you’ll snap out of it, along with the other members of your brigade, when the reality of a Hillary presidency becomes possible.
    If it doesn’t, and you think Hillary should be in the oval office, well, … you’re sick in the noggin.
    No, seriously. you have something fucking wrong with you.

  14. “So what makes you believe trump NOW?”

    Well it’s not like he’s just adopted these views. If you will remember in 2012 when he was considering making a run he had the exact same positions as he does now. And further more if he was just blowing smoke up every ones butt I would expect to see some deviation from time to time. No, the man is genuine.

  15. Trump bought Hitlery and her ilk while they were in control. Nothing wrong with that, especially when running a business. Hitlery and her cohorts we’re merely running the till and the fact they DJT bought them out proves they’re criminals.

  16. Well Brian, if both choices are leftist progressives, then who do YOU suggest we vote for? The more evil of two evils, or the lesser of two evils? Or maybe dope smoking’ Johnson? or the crazy naked fat guy? Or maybe none of us should vote and just let you, in all your superior wisdom, decide who gets the oval office.

    Maybe that last is the best option for us ignorant proles, since you are soooo much more intelligent and dialed in to the political situation, and can actually read the minds of the candidates and determine who is lying and who is telling the truth.

    Personally, I thing you’re a fucking idiot who is regurgitating the rabid group-think and puerile, juvenile, back slapping of your leftist controllers.

    As for me, I’ll vote for whom I decide is the best candidate, and that would be Trump. If you disagree, then feel free to try to change my mind. But understand, when you start using unsubstantiated, unreliable, unverifiable rumors and left wing lies as facts, you will have already lost.

  17. Brian, Your case against Trump is that he supported the Clintons at one time and ‘all’ their cronies. Please list out who these ‘all’ people are and how much he has materially contributed to them and why. Because the argument you are making is based on a private citizen’s contributions. And while you’re at it, it should not be too much trouble to note that he has also contributed to Republicans. I’ll even help you. You can go to the website Open Secrets/Center For Responsive Politics and there you will find all the data on who gave what to whom. You’ll have to search on both “Trump Organization” and “Donald J. Trump, Sr.”

    Do that, come back here and report your findings. Until then, you’re just someone parroting the political paragons’ talking points. I can think of at least 21 trillion reasons they would have for keeping Trump out of their D.C. club.

  18. Death, you are correct. The voice of Brian is also that walking cunt Seth Macfarlane’s own unaltered voice. I refuse to watch or have anything to do with that human yeast infection or his creations.

  19. Speaking of this — “The descent into rabid group-think and puerile, juvenile, backslapping is complete. Dissent and honest questions are verboten.”

    I want to know where this magical site is that Brian goes to where he coexists peacefully with people who hold my views.
    I want him to point to it. I want to go there. I want to drop my views in the comments under another name and then watch Brian’s reaction.
    I’m sure he will be respectful and tolerant and ask thoughtful questions in an effort to try and fully understand my views….


    Brian, you have no idea how you sound. It actually used to be entertaining. Now it’s just eye roll inducing.

  20. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Trump may be lying to me. So what? I know Killery isn’t lying. I am 100% positive what she plans to do.

    Let’s say, just for sake of argument, that Trump is lying to me. Let’s say he really is a progressive Leftist telling me what I want to hear just to get my vote. From a purely practical standpoint, in exactly what way is that different from Romney pretending not to be a progressive Leftist, just to get my vote? Or McCain? Or GWB? Or Bob Dole? OR GHWB?

    All those guys were varying shades of left-wing liberal. Not an actual conservative among them. Yet for some reason I was expect to line up and vote for them – even though I knew full well they were lying to me.

    So, what’s the difference now? Put me some knowledge, Brian. I really want to know. If Trump’s a RINO, what makes him worse than the previous RINOs that guys like you insisted I vote for? Why should I care if the guy lying to me is a long-time RNC party player, or a new guy who just parachuted in out of nowhere?

  21. I’m not drunk on Trump. Hell, I was/am a Cruz guy. Trump may be all and even worse than what his critics say he is. But then again he may not. He has never held office. He does not have a track record. He has said many things and he is everywhere on almost any issue. His own book states you start out with crazy demands so when you sit down to make a deal it looks like you gave in but in reality you only allowed the issue to move to where you want it. All of that to say I have no idea who Trump will be as POTUS.

    BUT I do know what HIllary will be like as POTUS. She is the kind of person that will let people die horribly deaths if she thinks it will help her politically. Remember this- as a nation we are lucky it was only 4 people who died and remember this- she has the heart of a lizard to look the family in the eye and blame it all on a Youtube movie (1st amendment anyone?). Lets put this into context shall we? Hillary Clinton she is willing to use the Bill of Rights as her own personal maxi pad in her lust to gain power; so when I hear her on the campaign trail taking suggestions on to ban guns forgive me if my alarm bell starts to ring.

    She is the kind of person that would lie and break laws to impeach Nixon but at the same time she will lie and break laws regarding the storage of Government e-mails. This is a ‘woman’ who will engage in the politics of personal destruction to saver her husband from his rape victims but claim her husband is the victim of some vast righting conspiracy. We all know I could go on and on and on.

    It is not about Trump. It is about stopping Hillary.

  22. In Brian’s mind, dissent and honest questions mean:
    Dissent: Brian can express his opinion by assuming a holier-than-thou attitude, and openly insult the intelligence of others, while claiming that anyone who disagrees is guilty of rabid group think, yada yada yada.

    Honest questions: Brian can honestly question the intelligence, masculinity/femininity, patriotism, etc, and anyone who disagrees is guilty of rabid group think, puerile…you get the idea.

  23. Saying something doesn’t make it so.
    Believing something doesn’t make it so, either.

    If a thing, exists, it exists – if it doesn’t – it doesn’t.

    Define “Progressive.”
    I don’t put any stock, whatsoever, into how a “progressive” would define “progressive” because “progressives” are intent on lying and masquerading as something they aren’t.
    “Progressivism” is Wilsonian Socialism. Nothing more, nothing less. The embodiment of racism, sexism, slavery, war-for-profit, and wrapping “the halo of idealism” around all the trappings.

    So, Brian, you think (or believe) that Mr. Trump – regardless of what he says, does, or the life he’s led – is a Wilsonian Socialist?

    How so? (in 2000 words, or less)

    izlamo delenda est …

  24. My honest opinion?

    Last night Donald Trump gave a ‘victory’ speech, having just secured the legal number of delegates to receive the Republican nomination for president. It’s over. Cruz did not win the number of delegates. Neither did Kasich. If you want to write in Cruz or Kasich, that’s your prerogative and privilege. Just don’t expect people to understand your motivation or feel neutral about your justifications. That’s going to have to be between you and your own conscience if Clinton and THE ENTIRE political world arrayed against her opponent, Donald Trump, successfully drags her across the line in November. Make no mistake, have no delusions about this: they will do absolutely EVERYTHING trying to make that happen. They will physically beat us, they will make threatening phone calls to you and me, and when school is back in session they will attack our kids and use the public schools to promote Clinton. We will be reading stories of campaign offices and campaign workers being threatened, looted, computers smashed and, God help us, attempted or successful murder. Do you think I’m joking?

    I know what I’m about to say will piss not a few people off. But here goes.

    We have got to be a whole lot fiercer than #NeverHillary or “anyone but Hillary!” What? Do you think we have a nameless/faceless candidate running? People here have been hedging their comments with BS preambles like, “I’m not a Trump fan”, “I was/am a Cruz guy”, or some same stupid speculation about his fitness to be president, his veracity and his character. Dear God! It’s like signing up for the armed forces, going into a real battle, then dispatching love notes to your enemy. It like telling the enemy, “Gee, I don’t know, but the best I got here is our general isn’t your general.” Gee, I don’t know, but have any of you who write these things ever been in a fight to win?! It’s more than unnerving.

    If you don’t know if Trump is a liar or not, start paying attention to him. Know our candidate. Because he is your candidate. He’s not “Trump fans” candidate anymore. And if you still think somehow, some way Ted Cruz or someone else is going to be installed at a contested convention, it ain’t gonna happen. And why would you want that to happen against the will of the voters?

    Donald Trump just brought out more voters for the Republican party than any other Republican running in a presidential primary EVER. Donald Trump just saved the Republicans and their party over $60MM dollars by not taking money away from their other donors and the party itself. By just showing up for a fundraising breakfast, Donald Trump can raise millions of dollars from all his mega-rich friends (from across the ideological spectrum, btw) FOR the Republican party. But that’s not good enough, apparently. It’s reprehensible that the Republican party wants to cash in on Golden Goose Trump, but don’t want to put his name on the marquee. They (and many here) just want him to go to war on their behalf. They want him to get banged up, torn down, demoralized and attacked again and again. Just so long as they (and you) win.

    Either suit up and get in the game, take your lumps on behalf of our side or shut the hell up! You’re making it harder than it has to be.

  25. Brian. I gave you a “thumbs up” because I thought you were being funny as if to mean two Hillary’s running at the sam time and those were the only two choices. But then I quickly saw you completely mischaractize The Donald.

    Come on. Listen to Andrew…

  26. AA-
    I can’t get the deranged to agree that Trump is not worse than Hillary and you expect me to get people to get on the Trump train?

    You can go for it, I fully back you and I hope you succeed. But for now I’m sticking to trying to shake the afflicted out of their inability to understand that the alternative to Trump is HILLARY.
    Baby steps.

  27. I watched Trump’s speech last night and it was a good speech. So how does the MSM report it? Check out NBC, CNN, etc. and the first thing said is “Trump used the teleprompter.” Really? That bothers them? Where were they when the SCOAMF couldn’t even talk without the teleprompter?

    Anyway, I accept that Trump will be the nominee (barring some stupid, destructive highjinks at the convention) and I am fully prepared to get behind his candidacy. I was even working up some enthusiasm. But every time that starts to happen…every effing time!..I am subjected to a lecture. It is not only the former Cruz supporters like myself that need to shut up. It is also the people who keep slamming us. Are we in this together or not? Do we want to defeat Hillary or not? I for one will do everything I can to see that she goes down. My first choice didn’t win. That’s politics. But I’m going to support the nominee. And I hope that I can do it going forward without getting lectures about things that happened in the past.

  28. @Anonymous — No, I’m talking about those who are “holding their nose” to vote for Trump. This is how I see that sort of chicken shit stance and I’m really, totally and finally just fed the hell up with it. (Can you tell)

    It’s bizarre to me. It’s indefensible to me. It’s like marrying your second choice of partners and spending the rest of your marriage loudly and frequently reminding everyone that she or he was NEVER your first choice! It comes down to “with friends like you, who needs enemies.” (not you, personally, but you, abstract)

    For those who want to continue bemoaning Cruz’s or Kasich’s or fill-in-the-blank not being the candidate, I say, Great! Why don’t you just do us those of us who are getting our heads cracked by anti-Trump thugs a favor, shut up or at least join up with them so we know who it is we’re fighting against. Don’t be an anti-Trump ninja, working within our ranks to get Clinton elected! And if you have any self-respect or honor at all, don’t denigrate us as “Trump fans” while at the same time expecting to benefit from a Trump win.

    Anonymous — Why people of even low intelligence can’t understand these things makes me near weeping with frustration. And it’s making me hate them even more than the honest to goodness people who openly support Clinton.

  29. If you are paying attention you will notice that there are only two people on the planet that have a chance of becoming the next President of the United States. One is Hillary Clinton, the other is Donald Trump. No matter how hard you wish, pray, believe, there will be no one else. Joe Biden will not be riding his tricycle over the hill, or Raphael Cruz riding his trusty steed, Buckin’ Glenn Beck, over the horizon, to save the day.
    Face it, going on about how you are going to ‘write-in’ ……. whomever …. or how you’re just going to sit this one out because of your ‘principles’ , or ‘scruples’ , or ‘reason’ is nothing more than a temper tantrum hissy-fit because your boy, or girl did not get the most votes.
    We all get it, you’re mad, disappointed, pissed off, butt-hurt that Trump has won. You don’t like his hair, his wealth, his choice of words, his past support of democRats, his wives, his philandering, his manner, his kids, his bombast ….. whatever. We all lined up, held our collective noses & pulled the lever for Romney, for McCain, for W, for Dole, for Bush, Ford, Nixon. Even Reagan had his flaws. Some of us even voted for the democRat candidates.
    Life’s full of disappointments. I’m not playing center-field for the New York Yankees. Suck it up; get over it. Going on about how everyone else is in a Trump-love Circlefest, I’d say, is a person a little more detached from the reality of the situation then the rest of us.
    We only have one choice now. Either we refuse to support Trump and give Hillary Clinton free rein to win the Presidency to further the destruction of the United States. Either we sit in a snit and let Hillary Clinton further pack the courts, open the borders, complete the destruction of health care, the military, the infrastructure, the economy, the middle class, our children’s future, the Constitution, beginning with the 2nd Amendment, or we do what we can to save our country & ourselves and vote against her … & the only way to do that is to vote for Trump.
    The reality of the situation is there are no other choices.

    … & why, every time I give a ‘thumbs up’, it also tallies a ‘thumbs down’?

  30. @Brian you’re the typical progressive victim. If facts are against you, claim it’s the facts fault.

    Trump has always been a cheerleader saying nice things about everybody – until they attack him. You complain that Trump attacks and also use his nice guy side against him.

    What is it you want? Obama’s skittle pooping unicorns didn’t work out so well.

  31. “… & why, every time I give a ‘thumbs up’, it also tallies a ‘thumbs down’?”

    Others have TU/TD between you first loading the page and the counter getting refreshed with your vote for a new, current total. Which may change the next second on an active post.

  32. I’m going to remind everyone reading this thread that the topic, the post is “Breitbart’s Credo”.

    He said, “Anyone who is willing to stand next to me and fight the progressive left, I will be in that bunker.”

    He did not say, “Anyone who feels like they’re doing me a favor by holding their nose to vote for, but not actually defend the guy who is fighting the progressive left, I will be in that bunker.”

    He said, “And if you’re not in that bunker because you’re not satisfied with this candidate — more than shame on you; you’re on the other side.”

    Being “in the bunker” implies you’ve got an offensive weapon. It doesn’t mean you sit on your thumbs and eat up all the MRE’s while everyone else does your fighting for you. And fighting the progressive left involves a lot more than voting. That’s the least of it. The world is now watching us. Please stop telling them you’re a reluctant Trump supporter. Give everyone a reason to join us.

  33. AA- re: the ‘hold your nose chicken shit voter’…. I’ve had to hold my nose and vote for motherfuckers all through my residence in CA. Every voter in CA has done that. I will even say I was voting R just for practice. LOL. Especially when those R’s were just D-lite.
    So don’t name call those ‘hold my nose’ voters, because in the end, they DO VOTE. Even though some times they may be thinking they are just shoveling shit against the tide or just have no enthusiasm- Just be glad they’re doing it.

    As for me- I don’t give a shit if person A is 200% in for Trump and person B is only 5% in for Trump wearing a nose clamp – but they intend to vote for Trump. That’s it, then. I’ll take it. Who gives a shit after that? As long as they’re voting in our camp, great! They don’t need to be convinced to cartwheel into the voting booth waving pom-poms for team Trump. I have unfriended people on Facebook for fanatical supporting of [X candidates] because they got all assholish and expected me to do the same and be their clone. WTF is that about?! And as I scanned through the comments, I see that one of those people I’m talking about is on this thread. LMAO. Anyway, I don’t roll that way, y’all. Never have, never will.

    Long story short (too late) Y’all can either accept a vote for Trump in the way it’s given, or you can’t. Nothing can be done about that. lol

  34. MJA — Thanks for your response. I’ve tried about a half dozen ways to try to get my point across on this and from what you just wrote, I’m not being successful.

    Maybe my last comment here will be more helpful. Let me know.

    Thanks, AA

  35. How do I get the last ten minutes of my life back after reading this? I say: let’s have a thumbs down switch where we bootlickers can execute trolls and eliminate them from the feed.

  36. I didn’t say I wasn’t in the Right’s bunker, btw.
    I don’t like being told that I’m a prog-like because I’m not 100% in love with Trump.
    Am I still proggish if I’m only 89% for Trump? Where’s the cutoff?
    I’m no where near a progtard, and I smack them around any chance I get. but whatever. Like I said, Trump has my vote and I hate the left but if that’s not good enough. I don’t know what to tell you. lol.

  37. MJA — Well, for me here’s the difference. (And, heavens NO! I’d never come close to calling you a progtard)

    The best I can do — at least right now — is to use the example of wartime homefront. Remember all those industrial posters at places like Lockheed and in the shipyards? “Loose lips, sink ships” “The enemy is listening.” And so on?

    All I’m saying is we need to present a 100% united front to the our enemies. I don’t care if someone is only .9999% in favor of Trump. If they are a sanders supporter and voted for him in the primary, I’m going to go after his vote between now and November. You bet I am!

    I’m saying that if you’re voting for Trump — and this is more directed at people like you and me who should know this — please stop giving our enemies ammunition by writing on blogs for the whole world to see and share with others — that the only reason to vote for him is because he is “probably” less of a liar than Clinton (for example).

    Just last week the Clinton campaign used Ryan’s own words about “racist” statements made by Trump in the Curiel case. I can only conclude that Ryan thinks he’s extorting something out of Trump or that Ryan is the stupidest man alive. Though the easy answer is that Ryan is just a small fish in the big pond of complete gov’t corruption.

    That’s all I’m saying. Yeah! Vote for Trump. Just please everyone, don’t give the enemy our coordinates!

  38. OK for a year now you Trumps have lied about our candidate trashed him and his supporters calling us ‘cucks’ ‘Bible thumpers’ and telling us to F**k off apparently not realizing that the day might come that you need us constitutional conservatives and Christians to help your candidate by giving him our votes. We all knew that Donald Trump was a liberal democrat and were trying to keep the country together and get it back to following the constitution but you Trumps wanted nothing to do with that, you wanted a narcissist with a slogan. Well we didn’t. Now you have him and we don’t want him so suck it up and quit begging for our votes because you won’t get them. You Trumps are the ones that screamed KILL THE GOPe, BURN IT DOWN. Well you did that by alienating the conservative base of the Republican party and we have nowhere to go if Trump wins without starting our own party. Now you’re trying to get us to join your GOPe well sorry you broke it you bought it have fun with it. CRUZ 2020!

  39. Rant is ridiculous ^

    I’m a conservative and I support Trump. Apparently, I’m not alone. And this rant implies that I’m an idiot for doing do.

    When I read, “Now you have him and we don’t want him so suck it up and quit begging for our votes because you won’t get them,” I read, “I’m going to punish you for what you did by giving you Hillary Clinton.”

    I’m also reading that Trump killed the GOPe but he IS the GOPe. Meanwhile, NRO floated the idea of replacing Trump with Romney.
    I’m not sure I follow the thread of this.

  40. @Anonymous

    Okay, now we’re finally getting somewhere. No one likes to assume what the other side’s motivations are or put words in anyone’s mouth. You’ve made your case abundantly clear.

    Fur, he just said it is Cruz or no one. “Cruz 2020!” There is a faction of Cruz supporters out there — probably very few, if any, here who would take that stand. But it’s there nonetheless. Even though an apology is unwarranted, making one wouldn’t change their mind. This, unfortunately, is the enemy.

    And people wonder at how brother and brother fought both sides of the Civil War.


    Yea that works. We let it burn with Mcstain, we let it burn with Romney. There’s not much left to burn. And they’re still in charge. Burn it down, or running a candidate that only appeals to 20% of the electorate will not work. It’s a zero sum game. We win small battles and move the ball toward the goal posts. You people that think we can just snap our fingers, or better yet sit back and do nothing give me a giant headache. I’m really wondering if you have kids.

  42. I don’t care if someone only likes Trump 85%. What I care about is the whiners who claim that they will vote for Trump while holding their nose, but then they turn around and jump on EVERY misstep that Trump makes. That kind of person, while they may vote for Trump, is still just a quisling hiding among the allies, nothing more than a cancer that slowly eats away at the health of the body.

    You’re going to hold your nose and vote for Trump? Great! Do it, but shut the fuck up about your misgivings and Trump’s shortcomings and at least give the impression of a unified front against Hillary for Christ’s sake!

  43. Hat–although I will hold my nose in November, it’s only because the one issue I care about (which is the SCOTUS)is the one issue that Trump’s feet can be held to the fire over–otherwise, to me he’s at best a RINO, or at worst, a Dem in RINO clothing.
    His avid supporters can deny it to themselves and others all they like, but his victory for the nomination has cost him thousands of votes that they need (if we listen to you and them,or don’t need if we listen to him) and it’s because at the end of the day the old political axiom of “the guy whose toes you step on on the way up are oftentimes attached to the guy whose ass you need to kiss on the way down”–is still operative–and there are plenty who don’t want to be kissed.

  44. I guess as long as you guys continue to trash me even when I am not around I know that you at least care.
    You guys should be ashamed for trashing a guy for looking at what Trump does, says, and who he supports rather than documents created by others and posted on his website.
    Also, wasn’t it Trump who said that anybody using a teleprompter has “no business” running for president?
    Yeah, it was. Guess he had his fingers crossed on that one also.
    Don’t worry, I am sure Judy is ramping up an ad based on that as we speak, even though we know how unfair that would be.
    After all, Punch has been clear that all his positions are negotiable.

  45. AA,
    I resemble your commits about ‘all those that point out Trump is a weak candidate’. And your call to “start paying attention”…. Yah, well, you see, the problem there is I have been paying attention and the major issues is Trump is a train wreck. Where do you want to start? The whole ‘what’s a David Duke?’ when the proper answer is ‘like Reagan said: I reject David Duke and if that offends you I don’t want your vote’. Or how about he was for partial birth abortion before he was against it. The list of crazy speak can go on. He thought the Iran deal and Obamacare were great but not so much anymore. One gets the feeling he will say anything to anybody at any time if he thinks that is what they want to hear. Oh, and now there is the “I don’t care for the term ‘American Exceptionalism'”. Really!?! Then I can only conclude that Donald J Trump is either an Ftard or a liberal Democrat plant to ensure a Hillary win. But either way I will still vote for him because Hillary is that bad.

    Now here is the thing you need to understand. You are not helping the cause by bashing those of us who can’t stand the guy but realize Hillary is worse because when you lash out like that it causes people like me to rethink the issue only to conclude that Trump really is a train wreck and on top of that the Stormtrumpers are angry and hostile to those of us who are willing to vote for the guy. The next step is “why bother?”. To which the answer is “HILLARY!… that’s why”.

    I sincerely hope you are right about everything you said about Trump bringing in more voters. We are going to need them for all the votes we are going to loose from those people who don’t understand that Hillary is oh so much worse than Trump. Hint here for gaining converts for the Trump Train- you need to emphasize how Hillary is worse than Trump because for those that have paid attention and are Republicans and are living in @neverTrump- we are going to need their votes.

    Andrew has it right. I will hunker down with anyone who will stop progressives. Even an Ftard who does not like the term “American Exceptionalism”. But the reality is this- all of you Stromtrumpers have just dreamed up and made to order a political “Fredericksburg” for the GOP. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you and I promise I will not drop my musket and run but all your “happy thoughts” and “wishful thinking” is not going to change the reality that over a 3rd of the base sees what’s coming and they have no desire to be any part of it and they have left the battlefield. Your battle cry needs to shift from beotch slapping those of us who will reluctantly vote for Trump to rallying any thinking voter out there is “HILLARY! …. That’s why”.

    Trump has the nomination and ergo is the only chance of a Hillary defeat. Trump is, at best, a train wreck and there is no rehabilitation of his character. Take for example this fact: Trump is the kind of man who has bragged about his infidelities and drilling married women. That particular bit of nastiness just happens to be #1 objection I have come across from the @neverTrump people I have talked to. I’m not sure how a Trumpeter like yourself would hand that objection by my response is “yes, Trump is a dirtball but at least he did not rape women and then have his wife character assassinate the rape victims- do you want someone like that back in the White House? To which they screw up their face and say “no”; but Trump… See how that works? You don’t lie to cover up his flaw- address the character flaw and then say “but Hillary is worse” and then you have a dialog and you may actually persuade them to vote for a flawed candidate that is Trump. After all is that not the name of the game- persuading voters to not vote Hillary. And why is it that the only way to have a logical discussion about not Hillary is to be open about how flawed Trump is? Because if you use any other tact other than that you will come across as one who has studied the issue as either clinically insane or just drunk on Trump.

    For example:
    @neverTrump: I won’t vote for a man who brags about how many married women he had sex with while he was married himself. It shows lack of character. If a man will cheat on his wife or worse take advantage of a friends wife how can I trust him to be a good POTUS
    AA: What are you talking about. Trump is great. Ever heard of Trump towers. He is a businessman, he is from N.Y. city. He had his own reality T.V. show. He’s huuuge. Hes going to fire the establishment its going to be great. He is going to make America great again.

    @neverturmp: yes, ok, whatever- but, as a person he is slimy and he is not fit- character wise- to be POTUS
    AA: listen, you need to get with the program. Trump won the nomination fair and square. That kind of talk just cause more damage. Your giving team Hillary everything they need to defeat Trump!
    @nevertrump: yes, ok, um, team Hillary already knows all of this and your inability to address the flaws in Trump’s character has me kind of freak-out in Jim Jones follower kind of way. Maybe you need help and maybe you don’t but I will never vote for Trump.

    Our job, if we are to ensure a Hillary loss, is to face the reality of a Trump nomination, understand what the opposition will say about him and be ready to give ample evidence not of Trump’s innocence but rather why Hillary is guilty of the same and oh, by the way, she has done it worse for a longer period of time. If we stick to the truth the truth may set of free of Hillary. But, alas, I fear the darkness from Mordor is talking over the land and the masses will have too much trouble distinguishing between various shades of dark and will go with Hillary because she will be the first skirt as POTUS.

  46. Pelopidas, at the end you nailed it.
    Soetoro won because people saw no clear choices, so give the black guy a chance. Frustration took over.
    The same thing is happening now, and a LOT of the frustration is being created by people claiming to support Trump.

  47. Pelopidas — Thanks for your response. I appreciate your taking the time to give such a thorough one. Unfortunately, I don’t have today to respond more fully, but look here tomorrow for one.

  48. Brian,
    I said on another thread that I have no patience for people that are too dense to understand that Breitbart’s Unity Speech trumps his “Trump is not a conservative” remark.
    When he said what he said about Romney he was speaking precisely to people who were saying ROMNEY IS NOT A CONSERVATIVE.

    Excuse me for being so dismissive, but I don’t have patience with people who can’t grasp concepts.

  49. Brian, using Breitbart’s own words is not fair.
    After all he is dead, so his real opinions don’t matter anymore.>>>>

    Then tell Michael Reagan to shut his pie hole.

  50. I’m wondering what the point is to some of these dumb ass comments. You got three choices Trump, who’s setting records by the way in votes and turn out, or Hillary, or stay home. What’s it going to be? And these Trumps our guy instead of Cruz is because Cruz couldn’t win it. Never could. So if your that Butt Hurt, get over it.

  51. Do you go over to the NEVERTRUMP sites and tell them the same when they tell us Breitbart would never support Trump? Or do you just reserve your “wreaks of desperation” remarks for this place?

    I don’t advocate you do, however, I’m just asking.
    I don’t advocate it because someone might point out that saying “Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves if bla bla bla” can never be discussed.

    So, please stop telling us how Jefferson would feel about … guns.
    Please stop telling us what Jesus would think about transgenders.
    Please stop referring to documented words by someone who you’ve admired, who’s lived in the past and now is gone, to guide your decisions.

    In fact, I’ve dismissed my father’s words, blocked them all out, because I have no idea how he would feel about Hillary Clinton, just because he loathed every fiber of her being when he was alive doesn’t mean a thing. Nothing can be extrapolated from dead people’s words.
    THEY’RE DEAD, as you say.
    Forget em.

  52. BFH, other than when you make the occasional National Enquirer post, when is it not about Trump.
    If it was not about Trump, just what was your reason for posting it, and not correcting anyone until it didn’t add up as pro-Trump?
    I hate going after you on this kind of thing, but we are talking about politicians, among the lowest forms of life on earth (except muslims).

  53. For what it’s worth, I think Pelopidas summed it up about as well as anyone. To paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld, you go to war with the weapons you have, not the weapons you might want or wish to have at a later time.

    Right now Donald Trump is our weapon, however we might wish to have a better one. Therefore, let us go forward against the enemy, for ’tis better to fall in a noble cause than to triumph in a base one.

    “L’Audace — L’Audace — Tout jour l’Audace.”

    — Georges Danton

  54. “Trump is not a Conservative”
    Neither are “Conservatives” that are in Congress/Senate right now. They FUNDED ObamaCare.
    If Trump builds a wall, deports the worst of the worst and keeps them out, he’ll have done MORE FOR CONSERVATISM than any elected “conservative” has done the past decade!
    Conservative enough for me.

  55. “Try to keep this in mind, Donald Trump did not steal your money.
    Donald Trump did not raise your taxes.
    Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of food.
    Trump is not stirring a race war.
    Trump did not leave any US soldiers in Benghazi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims.
    Trump did not send the US Navy to fight for Syrian ,Al-Qaeda.
    Trump did not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East.
    Trump did not betray Israel.
    Trump did not provide financing and technology to Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
    Trump did not give our military secrets to China.
    Trump did not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia.
    Trump did not shrivel our military, and betray our veterans.
    Trump did not cripple our economy.
    Trump did not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars. Trump did not ruin our credit, twice.
    Trump did not double African American unemployment.
    Trump did not increase welfare to a record level for eight years.
    Trump did not sign a law making it legal to execute, and imprison Americans.
    Trump did not set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay.
    Trump did not steal your rights!”

  56. Mr. Pinko, er, excuse me, I mean #NeverGOPInc. I am curious to hear your response to Pelopidus’ very thoughtful post above. Do you really think bashing people that are willing to stand with you is a great idea? Because some people are never going to share you enthusiasm for Trump. Calling them names and ignoring their concerns isn’t helping. We could actually help the cause but it makes it hard when all this venom is directed at us because we weren’t charter members of the Trump train.

  57. #NeverGOPInc,

    I live in Colorado. Every vote is going to count. Of my Republican people I know I would say 3 out of 4 are NOT going to vote for Trump. Here is the thing; I share their concerns. For every good point I can cite for Trump there are 3 against him. The @neverTrump crowd they have “principals” & “ethics”. I like to think I do to and that is why I understand the @neverTrump crowd and eve share their concerns. When the topic comes up I typical start with “I wish Sanders could beat Hillary and then I could just sit this one out”. Why? Because it clearly states I’m not drunk on Trump but at the same time the prospects of Hillary as POTUS is just too dangerous for ANYONE to sit this one out.

    The mantra I use is “It’s not about Trump; it’s about stopping Hillary.” I will bring up all things that are Hillary and then I say “I vote against that”. What you have to understand is the @neverTrump crowd they are repulsed by him. I share that repulsion but I’m horrified at the prospects of a Hillary POTUS and I share that horror with the @neverTrump crowd.

    Romney lost because there was a core of “principled” voters who would not vote for a Mormon. A lot of that was Mitt’s fault for going easy on Obama. Had Mitt gone for the jugular then maybe enough would have pulled the lever for a Mormon for the ‘greater good’. That is the one thing I have hope Trump will not do- go easy on Hillary; it’s his only chance. And Stormtumpers like you are not helping by mimicking your dear leader and not going easy on your allies. Of all the people who need to shut the F*CK up it is you. Andrew and you are right- the number one thing is Hillary needs to be defeated and telling people to turn their brains off and accept the proposition that Trump is presidential is laughable. Presidential in a real-estate company in N.Y. with possible mob ties- sure. But POTUS? Don’t get me started. Did you get that!?! DON’T GET ME STARTED!!! 2016 is a choice between an excrement sandwich from a healthy host and excrement you-will-eat-all-and-more buffet from a host suffering from Ebola. A lot of Republicans are saying “I will pass thank you very much”. To which I tell them if you don’t choose the choice will be made for you and we will be force fed all you can eat and more of the Ebola excrement.

    Be gracious in your nomination win, focus on the common ground (Not Hillary) and we may win this thing (and what is that? … WRONG! The correct answer is “Hillary lost”). Keep popping off like an agitated cult member who refuses to accept the revealed truth that the infallibility of your leader was only a myth and you will guarantee a Hillary win.

  58. @Pelopidas – do you have a web site or a blog that I could visit? I really like the way you present your arguments and would like to read more of them. Barring that, is there another way to contact you?

  59. Riverlife,

    You are very kind. I’ve thought about it but not as of yet. Your kind words my get me off my backside.

    If I can make that happen I will follow up with you.

    Best wishes,

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