Breitbart’s Words Very Prescient Today – IOTW Report

Breitbart’s Words Very Prescient Today

Speaking about Obama’s appearances with the black nationalists The New Black Panthers, Andrew Breitbart said-


“Had any of Obama’s opponents appeared at an event with the KKK or Aryan Nation, The New York Times would have had to 

double its ink buy. Obama’s appearance does much more than expose mainstream media hypocrisy. It also exposes an association between a vile racist organization and a future President of the United States.” – Andrew Breitbart

Well, this is happening –


House Majority Whip Scalise confirms he spoke to white nationalists in 2002

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), the House majority whip, acknowledged Monday that he spoke at a gathering hosted by white supremacist leaders while serving as a state representative in 2002, thrusting a racial controversy into House Republican ranks days before the party assumes control of both congressional chambers.

The 49-year-old Scalise, who ascended to the House GOP’s third-ranking post this year, confirmed through an adviser that he once appeared at a convention of the European-American Unity and Rights Organization. But the adviser said the congressman didn’t know at the time about the group’s affiliation with racists and neo-Nazi activists.


13 Comments on Breitbart’s Words Very Prescient Today

  1. Read the comments on WaPoo…as usual, the O-bots are coming to their messiah’s defense and denying that anyone on the left EVER did ANYTHING as awful as what Scalise did. Yeah, Scalise gave one speech twelve years ago, while Obama associates almost ALL THE DAMNED TIME WITH POND SCUM LIKE HOLDER, SHARPTON, THE NBPP, KEITH ELLISON, FARRAKHAN, AND THE CBC! I guess Scalise is only a racist because he’s a WHITE REPUBLICAN, while the rest are as pure as the wind driven snow because they’re negro communists and moslems! I swear, the left makes me want to bazooka barf…

    We truly live in an idiocracy…

  2. If Obola is using his phone and his pen and his invites to intrude every anarchist into the US government, then it’s only fair that these ‘folks’ also assume an outsize share of the national debt. And I’m OK with that.

  3. This will be the fall of America if we don’t fix it fast. They stepped over the line a long time ago. 0bama rapes America every day, and our people in Washington are not doing enough to stop the bastard. They can’t all be so stupid that they don’t know what a threat that fraud is to our freedom.

  4. Yes, but don’t you remember when Scalise became President and ordered his Attorney General to drop the already won voter intimidation case against the racist, terrorist group he spoke to?

  5. What matters most is ‘what did he say?’
    Did Scalise say stuff like “I support your radical cause” or did he deliver a standard political talk that could be given to any type of gathering?
    Did Ebamma give a standard political speech or did he support their radical cause?
    Surely someone has access to transcripts?
    (and don’t call me Shirley)

  6. None of it matters. The media was handed their plan of attack and they have executed it
    Hypocrisy be damned.

    The WaPo Fact Checker bent himself in knots to award Giuliani one Pinnochio for his claim that Sharpton visited the White Hut 80-85 times. Conclusion: he is in the log 82 times. So they move the goalposts to say how many of those were one on one Obama meetings, official functions, etc.

    Giuliani was totally correct. So one Pinnochio.

    Obama aligns himself with terrorist and racists on a daily basis. This Scalise squirrel is just that.

    Bush got a DUI in 1972. McCain had an affair. Romney crated his dog on a car 25 years ago. Sarah Palin’s church practices witchcraft.

    But Obama sat in Protestant Farrakhan’s pews for 20 years, was married by him, named his autobiography after his sermon and its racist of you to point that out. From 6 years ago.

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