Brennan, in Collusion with Hillary, Muddied Waters With False Russia Scandal To Distract Public From Her Crimes – IOTW Report

Brennan, in Collusion with Hillary, Muddied Waters With False Russia Scandal To Distract Public From Her Crimes

Brennan should go right to f**kin’ jail.

If he doesn’t, there is something really, really wrong around here.

This whole system is out of order.

Yes, I am quasi-quoting Al Pacino in “And Justice For All.”

Because, there isn’t justice for all. I think “Black Lives Matter” is a distraction to make people think blacks aren’t getting justice so that evil scum like Brennan gets to skulk in the shadows.

If Brennan doesn’t go to jail (and he’s just the start), I think I’m gonna start burning shit down. I am serious. This should not fade away.

If the justice department can do this to a sitting president, and get away with it, what hope do we have?


EXCLUSIVE: Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday declassified documents that revealed former CIA Director John Brennan briefed former President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s purported “plan” to tie then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server” ahead of the 2016 presidential election, Fox News has learned.

Ratcliffe declassified Brennan’s handwritten notes – which were taken after he briefed Obama on the intelligence the CIA received – and a CIA memo, which revealed that officials referred the matter to the FBI for potential investigative action.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence transmitted the declassified documents to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees on Tuesday afternoon.


18 Comments on Brennan, in Collusion with Hillary, Muddied Waters With False Russia Scandal To Distract Public From Her Crimes

  1. This is CIA shit and they love hillary more than the FBI does. Declassify all of it. No slow drips, just fucking do all of it.
    No wonder Barr quarantined himself yesterday. lol

    CIA loves ME wars and knew Trump was talking about ending them.

  2. What do you suppose the swamp has on Bill Barr that is keeping him from doing his job? It’s clear the DC establishment deals in corruption and blackmail. TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!!

  3. OK now the Gina Haspell appt makes sense. She worked London and is protecting London’s documents. Trump already knew about all of it.
    He put her there to humiliate her when Trump declassifies.

  4. If obozo and Brennan knew, so did Pelosi & Schumer.

    Regardless, now that this has come to light, will they APOLOGIZE to the sitting POTUS for their sham impeachment??

  5. This scandal is even worse than it appears for Democrats, if thats even humanly possible

    If the Clinton Foundation is not a Charitable organization, then everybody who took a charitable deduction, which would include every major donor to the Democrat Party, committed a felony. Because they all knew this was no charity

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