Brett Favre Repays $1.1 Mil As Part Of Larger $100 Mil Mississippi Government Boondoggle – IOTW Report

Brett Favre Repays $1.1 Mil As Part Of Larger $100 Mil Mississippi Government Boondoggle


Former NFL quarterback Brett Favre on Thursday repaid the state of Mississippi $500,000 of the $1.1 million he owed for speeches he never delivered and committed to paying the remainder in coming months.

Favre agreed to “repay the remainder in installments over the next few months,” Mississippi State Auditor Shad White said in a statement.

The repayment comes after White’s office released Monday a 424-page audit that found state officials misused nearly $100 million of funds intended for the poor in the state. More

7 Comments on Brett Favre Repays $1.1 Mil As Part Of Larger $100 Mil Mississippi Government Boondoggle

  1. I have always LOVED watching Favre and have always told by son he’s like a big dumb schmuck that never studies but made it on passion and sheer determination.

    48% of the time the Hail Mary gets intercepted and stuffed down your throat but the other 52% makes you love him like the greatest QB ever!
    Poor Bastard who had to coach him Eh!

    I still love the IRON MAN (most starts ever) and really believe he had no idea that he was getting paid from a charity.

    My son is a Green Bay fan but we both were going for Favre when he was a Viking those 2 games.

    He wanted to keep playing, unlike Colon CrapOnDick.

  2. Tony R @

    I send those type of pics to my buddies just to piss them off!

    Usually at 6pm when they are having dinner with their wives!!!!!!

    Explain that baby!


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