Brett Kavanaugh Sides With the Left, Betrays Our SEALS – IOTW Report

Brett Kavanaugh Sides With the Left, Betrays Our SEALS


Kavanaugh wrote in a concurring opinion:

I concur in the Court’s decision to grant the Government’s application for a partial stay of the District Court’s preliminary injunction for a simple overarching reason: Under Article II of the Constitution, the President of the United States, not any federal judge, is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

Kavanaugh claimed the district court “in effect inserted itself into the Navy’s chain of command” by halting the military vaccine mandate.

Thirty-five Navy SEALs brought this lawsuit after President Joe Biden’s administration mandated the coronavirus vaccine for all service members.

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor of the Northern District of Texas issued an order preventing the Navy from considering the vaccine status of SEALs when giving deployments and other operational assignments in January.

Biden’s administration appealed Judge O’Connor’s ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, which refused to override O’Connor’s preliminary injunction blocking the military’s mandate.

The Supreme Court on Friday issued a stay on the district court’s injunction, allowing the Navy to consider vaccination status for deployments while litigations surrounding the mandate continue.

The SEALs alleged the Navy’s vaccine mandate violated their First Amendment right to religious freedom. However, Kavanaugh claimed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act “does not justify judicial intrusion into military affairs in this case.”

“I see no basis in this case for employing the judicial power in a manner that military commanders believe would impair the military of the United States as it defends the American people,” Kavanaugh concluded in his dissent.

Justice Alito called the Court’s decision “a great injustice” in a dissent joined by Justice Gorsuch.

Justice Alito wrote:

By rubberstamping the Government’s request for what it calls a “partial stay,” the Court does a great injustice to the 35 respondents—Navy Seals and others in the Naval Special Warfare community—who have volunteered to undertake demanding and hazardous duties to defend our country. These individuals appear to have been treated shabbily by the Navy, and the Court brushes all that aside. I would not do so, and I therefore dissent.


Maybe he did try to bang that cross-eyed b*tch…

25 Comments on Brett Kavanaugh Sides With the Left, Betrays Our SEALS

  1. If I where King for a day, I would impose “No member of SCOTUS shall retain a Law Degree or have attended any Ivy League indoctrination Factory”, Thank You. That is all.

  2. I’d handicap SCOTUS as 3/3/3; 3 conservatives, 3 liberals, and 3 fence-sitters who prefer to defer to the lower courts or weigh cultural norms and prevailing consensus to actually viewing the issue through a Constitutional lens.

  3. I pretty much knew he would be a POS, he was a W boy after all, still wasn’t right what the demoncrats did to him. It worked though it made it all about him as a teen rapist instead of his record.
    Both sides play their roles well and we the people get screwed every single time.

  4. When President Trump is back in the White House he should throw out the judges list that is given to him by the Federalist Society and pick his own judges given to him from another group that he can trust.
    Call Larry Arnn I am sure he knows a few. (President of Hillsdale)

  5. “I see no basis in this case for employing the judicial power in a manner that military commanders believe would impair the military of the United States as it defends the American people,” Kavanaugh concluded in his dissent.

    Proving that Brown Jackson’s “truth is a social construct” is already bright and honest enough for The Court.

  6. Thus the legal bases of individual Freedom and Liberty are dead.
    Pure sophomoronics – the question was never about the chain of command.
    Forcing individuals to take experimental and life-threatening drugs was the question.

    The SCROTUS has, once again, proved itself Treasonous, anathematic to Liberty, and an avowed enemy of the citizens of the United States.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Supremely Gutless Court. Brownie will make a great addition. She’ll need a clerk to show her which restroom to use for the first couple of years, but she will fit right in with this bunch of grasping thieves of our liberty.

  8. I said 4 years ago the Brett circus was a UNIPARTY distraction; a stalking horse.
    The serious business in Congress in ’18 was Paul and Kev electing Nncy Speaker. I correctly sai they wanted her so they would be rid of Don. Nancy made it clear she would impeach! The party that is impeached ALWAYS LOOSES THE NEXT PRESdENTIAL ELECTION! It was 3 for 3 in ’18 and now its 4 for 4!

    Angus macDougal ~ 600AD “Those who dont learn history are doomed to repeat it!”!

    I thought D’on would break the record 2 years ago. I did not foresee GWB’s DOMINION!

    But I did foresee why Kev and Paul worked hard electing Nancy. And was right about the UNIPARTY “stalking horse”! CONSERVTIVEs (Not I) TOOK THEIR EYES OFF THE BALL!

    I harp on Kev’s going back on his word with Liz because Kev has always been a Ronny hater; I voted Ronny 9 times. Kev has always been a liberal liar; Liz still being “Republican” prove my words!

  9. So, can the C in C order you to kill yourself for no reason? That’s K’s logic here. There are certain things the C in C can’t order people to do, even military people.

  10. While we’re celebrating our many victories (?) with Trump’s three less-than-sterling selections to the Supreme Court, everyone seems to have their/them panties in a wad over Kunta Kitanje Brown Jackson. Could she really make things much worse?

  11. @an ol exJarhead March 27, 2022 at 8:14 am

    “Those who don’t learn history are doomed to repeat it”

    Those who “learn” history are going to repeat it. They’re not “doomed”. They are what they are.

    Millions of people. Billions, now. Doing the same, the exact same acts. Occasionally in different costumes. Having the same results. Occasionally in different places.

    Same experiment, same result. If you can’t maf the outcome, just from the way the dominoes are stood up, you’re not going to change the outcome. And telling somebody who can’t maf, the outcome, “This is what happened, before”, can never convince them, “This is what will happen, now” — because it must. They’ll nod at each other, at how smaht they all are, after they memorize this outcome. And hate you for being a witch.

  12. Curly says please ram some moe bad picks down America’s throat then blame it on the Dems. And the weiner is, you guessed it. Throw common sense, history & hard work right down the crapper, their pictures on the dart board, now throw.

  13. Never-fucking-mind that there is a 1100% increase in military deaths since mandatory jabs started. That’s not counting the military who are injured from them.

  14. @dman March 27, 2022 at 12:20 pm

    > These bastards are also deterring any good American boy or girl from joining the armed forces.

    Changing the names, to protect the “innocent”:

    These bastards are also deterring any good Palestinian boy or girl from joining the IDF.

  15. so now “military commanders believe would impair the military of the United States as it defends the American people, suspends every citizens rights? Nice going Kavanagh you just rewrote the constitution.

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