BREXIT – Ben Shapiro Walks Off During Contentious BBC Interview – IOTW Report

BREXIT – Ben Shapiro Walks Off During Contentious BBC Interview

Wow, we’ve found a bigger schmuck than Jim Acosta. He’s even a bigger schmuck than Ben.

Even after Shapiro repeats the lie that Michelle Fields was accosted by Corey Lewandowski, prompting him to use this as a convenient excuse to leave Breitbart (because he hated Trump), this British arsehole has us rooting for the Never Trumper.

Just today I was re-listening to a Dan Bongino podcast where he was taking Ben Shapiro to school after he proclaimed that SPYGATE was a fiction of the president’s imagination.

In the podcast, Ben Shapiro does a low rent imitation of Donald Trump in the most mean-spirited mold of Stephen Colbert or Alec Baldwin.

And STILL, I’d help Ben push this porridge fart under a lorry.

ht/ michelle’s big beaver

20 Comments on BREXIT – Ben Shapiro Walks Off During Contentious BBC Interview

  1. “……porridge fart…..” bwaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahah…erp!
    May I use that?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. I just don’t understand the Ben Shapiros, the S.E. Cupps of this world. Their views are so hypocritical, just amazing the ideas they justify that are in complete opposition to one another. One day they are sticking it to the lefties and the next they are supporting their views, only because Trump.
    Consistent views are so much easier to hold.

  3. Ben Shapiro is willing to vote for Trump in 2020. That’s a win for us. Any past Never Trumper who will vote for Trump the 2nd time around are welcome to break bread at my table. Except Beck. Shapiro just did not vote in 2016 with the lame excuse “I live in CA so my vote does not matter”. Beck was out there telling his base to vote for Hillary.

    This time around the message has to be ‘every votes count, even in CA’. CA could go blue but if all the conservatives in CA get out to vote it could tilt the popular vote for Trump and then my state Colorado will have to suck it hard. The CA Conservative is not voting for how CA will go but for all the states that pledged to go with the popular vote.


    What is the draw for these people to try to “moderate” their position by attacking Republicans and Trump?

    Coulter does it, Glen Beck, all the RINOs do it.

    My theory is that:
    1. They want to get slightly less spit on if they attack Republicans once in a while.
    2. The get more media play because they are hoping to get some sound bytes of these people beating Republicans for them.
    3. They think they are above the fray if they are equally abusive to both sides.

    It’s manipulation to enrich themselves. Either be true to the cause, or Conservative should throw them overboard. But they will always win back the crowd with some caustic video and start the love/hate process all over again.

  5. I assume the “studio” is somewhere over the pond.

    How is it when watching a news interview from, say, New York to Chicago the anchor asks a question and it’s a 2-3 second delay before it comes across, and oftentimes creates overspeak, yet this interview goes from across the pond to LA with absolutely no delay?

    That is all I’m curious about.

  6. BFH,

    Yeah, we went to the moon…several times (so did Alice h/t MB!)…but I’m not too sure about what happened when we got there. There are questions, based on evidence, about what happened during that first lunar excursion; the stuff’s all over youtube.

    Whatever Owen believes about it doesn’t effect me…or you, or anyone else here. His opinion on the matter doesn’t invalidate every other opinion he has. Having watched a number of Owen’s videos, including the one posted here questioning the state of his mind, I’ve come to believe that Owen’s point concerning a moon hoax, flat earth, global warming, or any other subjects that we may consider lunacy, is that it is not ‘wrong’ to question everything, think critically, and arrive at our own conclusions. Too, it’s okay to trust…but we should take pains to verify and not just accept “their” version of events. Can we question the whole JFK thing without being decried as crazy?

    Heck, isn’t that what we do here every day?


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