Brexit gets a lesson from 1604 – IOTW Report

Brexit gets a lesson from 1604


This week marked 1,000 days since Britain voted to leave the EU. Yet with just one week to go until the planned Brexit date and still no deal in place, Prime Minister Theresa May had to fly to Brussels to beg for more time.

Whereas Winston Churchill led Britain during its finest hour, Theresa May seems to be leading it to national humiliation.

May was requesting the extension despite having pledged on 108 occasions that Britain will leave the EU on March 29. After a tense meeting with EU leaders, she was granted until April 12 to find a new solution if her deal fails and until May 22 to get it ratified if it passes.

The day before that, showing her increasing desperation, May held an unscheduled nationwide broadcast to tell the public that the Brexit impasse was the fault of MPs who had not supported her deal. It was probably not her wisest decision to publicly blame the very people she will need when her deal next gets a vote in Parliament.

The week had started badly when Speaker of the House John Bercow used a Parliamentary rule from 1604 to prevent May bringing her primary legislation to Parliament for a third time. It was deemed not substantially different from when it lost before by 149 votes. Not only is May unable to command a majority in Parliament, she has been barred from getting even a vote. Let’s see if it fares better next week.

Tensions in the country are rising too with many MPs experiencing stern rebukes from their constituents. This led Speaker Bercow to make an astonishing statement of assurance to MPs that “none of you is a traitor.” They have also been advised not to travel alone and to take taxis home for their own safety.

This is serious stuff indeed. Direct action is being planned by lorry drivers to block major highways in protest at the government blocking Brexit, as they see it. A senior Eurosceptic MP, Jacob Rees-Mogg, tweeted, “People versus Parliament continues.” Effectively, Great Britain is no longer operating as a representative democracy.  keep reading

10 Comments on Brexit gets a lesson from 1604

  1. “Just leave for Christ’s sake and let the cards fall where they may”

    …The problem with that, @stop2think and @Left Coast Dan is that May doesn’t WANT to Brexit.

    She’s a d@mn Shari’a Lovin’, nation-hating, anti-capitalism globalist, so she’s gonna drag her feet, dig her heels in, and probably say a lot of that “Obama”-type “Flexibility” stuff to her masters in Brussels until England is subsumed in economic woes and COMPLETELY overwhelmed with “Syrian” refugees from Pakistan and Algeria, and no longer able to offer even a token resistance to the New World Order.

    …maybe if Hitler had sent Iranian families instead of bombers, they’d all be speaking German today…

  2. I agree with the comments above. Just leave! May is just looking for a an agreement that lets Britain leave in name while still being a part of it for all intents and purposes.

    Where do western elected officials get the idea that they can ignore the will of the people until the people agree to go along with what the officials want? At least communist leaders were honest enough to say “We don’t care what you want.”

  3. The problem is if May gets tossed out and the country goes to the people it’s very likely the leader of the Labor Party, Jeremy Corbyn a notorious anti-semite and hard core socialist will get elected. He’s likely to lock Britain into the EU even more tightly. On the other hand if I understand the EU stance correctly if May can’t get the deal passed then Britain is out of the EU with no deal in place. Maybe that’s the best way to go. It will be tougher but maybe the old toughness of the people will re-emerge after 50 years.

  4. Where is Guy Fawkes when his country needs him? Oh, that’s right, in these more civilized times, Speaker of the House John Bercow is acting in his stead. This entire affair demonstrates that a country in need of an Iron Lady has been marking time with a Putty Lady. It’s about time for Nigel Farage to throw the Vichy Water in the waste basket and rejoin the fight.


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