Brian Stelter Says Trump is the Infowars President – Mark Dice – IOTW Report

Brian Stelter Says Trump is the Infowars President – Mark Dice

10 Comments on Brian Stelter Says Trump is the Infowars President – Mark Dice

  1. cnn and the eunuch are contemptible scum bags. buying rope futures today.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. The clump of cells that turned into a sad, pitiful looking adult at 0:50 feels the need to turn rape whistles into a fashion statement just in case men were tripping over themselves to violate her rights to force an unwanted clump of cells onto her.

    Maybe the CNN crew can’t keep their hands off her and she already blew the rape whistle 5 times before and after the show.

    Seriously, if that’s not a rape whistle around her neck, then what the hell is it? If she was looking to detract from her ugly looks, it didn’t work.

  3. When is someone going to call them out? It’s more than obvious that the “amish” are running CNN and MSNBC and they have been more bold since they got the “golem” heights recognized…………have I got this right or just pretty close…….


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