Brian Wilson’s Business Partners Seek Conservatorship – IOTW Report

Brian Wilson’s Business Partners Seek Conservatorship

LA Times

Brian Wilson’s longtime business partners are seeking to become the Beach Boys singer’s co-conservators, weeks after the death of his wife, Melinda Wilson.

In a petition filed Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court, Wilson’s publicist Jean Sievers and business manager LeeAnn Hard said the 81-year-old musician has been diagnosed with a “major neurocognitive disorder” and is “unable to provide for his own personal needs for physical health, food, clothing or shelter.” Melinda, Wilson’s wife of 28 years, tended to her husband’s needs — but that came to an end when she died on Jan. 30 at age 77. More

16 Comments on Brian Wilson’s Business Partners Seek Conservatorship

  1. “81-year-old has been diagnosed with a “major neurocognitive disorder” “unable to provide for his own personal needs for physical health, food,clothing or shelter.”…..Dang, He’s become Presidential material…

  2. willysgoatgruff – the difference with Brian is that his wife wasn’t an ELDER ABUSER and TRAITOR who used his power to advance her own personal goals. Brian clearly hasn’t been “right” for quite some time (go back and look at older interviews). Perfectly understandable for these folks to NEED to step up and fill in the task that she was performing. Hope they do right by him. Hopefully their role is something that SHE would have been happy with.

  3. Brian’s music has been a huge part of my life since I was a kid. I’m now a 70 year old, and the Beach Boys are still in my daily rotation. Their tunes and harmonies were like no others, and they still speak to my soul. This is so tragic. We pray for you, Brian.

  4. I initially concluded these business partners want to exploit Brian, but I suspect they actually have his best interest at heart.

    Weren’t the Beach Boys all related? What about the other members or their families keeping proper watch over their brother, cousin and or uncle or second cousin?

  5. I was the Conservator for my mom and dad the last few years of their life. Hope these men love Brian because they control all the money. Health decisions require a power of attorney which is a whole different legal issue, but strangely does not require court involvement unless the subject has already been found incompis mentis. At least here in Georgia.

  6. I believe that these two proposed conservators have already been taking care of Brian Wilson’s affairs for some time, albeit under the supervision of Mrs. Wilson. They will still be under supervision by the court, and under the circumstances are probably the best persons to act as guardian.

  7. LSD claims another dope.

    In the “Sloop John B”, Wilson sings or says: “This the worst trip I’ve ever been on”. I can believe it.

    I bet Wilson’s brain still works better than Joe B’s brain.

    Someone should re-record the Sloop John B and rename it the Wreck Joe B.

  8. The Wreck Called Joe B.

    We came upon the district DC
    My son Hunter and me
    Around DC town we did roam
    Crackin’ all night
    Got up so high
    Well, I feel so coked up
    I wanna go home

    So hoist up my underwear
    See how the little girls stare
    Call for Hunter over there, bring more coke
    Bring more coke
    I want more coke
    I feel so coked up
    I wanna go home

  9. DR. TAR

    With 1 exception all from Wilson Clan. Brian was great but his dad had friends at KFWB and 3 of their DJ’s “co”wrote many of the songs before 1964.

    I was a surfet 70 years ago. Boards 7” weighed 120 – 150 lbs. Dick Dale paved thaws or the boys in 1961; but they made it on their won after 1962.
    I’m not dead; just old

  10. Two California Hippies, April 1966.

    Hippie #1: Man didja hear the Beach Boys new hit, called John B Soup or somethin?

    Hippie #2: Uh, no, man, I don’t think so, but maybe I did. The old lady thinks my memory is shit anymore. What about it? What ya talking about man?

    Hippie #1: Hey, that guy Brian the beach dude says he went trippin’. Right there on his fuckin’ record. That is just so fuckin’ groovy man. Can you dig it?

    Hippie #2. Yeah man, I can dig it. That means we can talk ’bout trippin on acid an’ nobody can do shit about it right, cause the Beach Boys have it in their song an’ their playin’ it on KHJ right?

    Hippie #1: You got it man…I love ya man because you are smart.

    Hippie #2. Man, we gotta know for sure. The Narcs were around here yesterday, tryin’ ta sniff out some weed.

    Hippie #1: Man I just had a brain fart. How about we do a test. I’ve still got 4 tabs of acid left over from last weekend. Why doncha come on over to my pad, we’ll do the acid, then when we’re really fucked up, we go to the Manhattan Beach police station.

    Hippie #2. Man, what do we do then, man?

    Hippie #1: I got it covered man. What we do is, y’ know how little kids will go “Ya, Ya, Na, Na, Ya, Ya, Nya, Nya”, all that shit they do to mess with your mind? We’re gonna go like that at the pig station, then tell the pigs we’re trippin’ on acid, and we’ll tell them they can’t do nothin’ because Brian the Beach Boy said it on the KHJ. Ya dig?

    Hippie @2: I am so with ya’ man. Let’s do it.

    Two hippies spent some time in jail, eventually got out, finished their degrees, one in sociology, the other one in Child Education. Both became liberal politicians, and one, named Aurhur Engoron, became a judge in New York. The other, Matsoukas, a professor at Penn State, was in the news recently for performing bestiality with his dog and shoving a tree branch up his anus in a public place.

  11. Dr. Tar-Dennis Wilson was first to go, he drowned. Carl Wilson was next. cancer. The three survivors are 1st cousin Mike Love, high school friend Al Jardine, and Brian.


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