BRICS Nations Agree to Extend Membership to OPEC Countries – IOTW Report

BRICS Nations Agree to Extend Membership to OPEC Countries

ABC News

The five-nation BRICS group announced expansion of members on Thursday, having invited six countries to join the bloc.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who is hosting the group’s summit in Johannesburg, said that Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates would begin their membership in January.

“This membership expansion is historic,” Chinese leader Xi Jinping said. “It shows the determination of BRICS countries for unity and development.” More

It’s obvious they are creating an alliance to “de-dollarise” their collective economies. -Dr. Tar

6 Comments on BRICS Nations Agree to Extend Membership to OPEC Countries

  1. We’re in debt up to our ears, borrowing and spending like there’s no tomorrow, irretrievably heading for complete insolvency – and we have no gold.

    Why would anyone want to use our currency now?

    Do the math.

  2. We may be getting closer to a 1984 world than we ever thought. I think in the novel the world was split up into three military-political blocks. One of them was called Oceana. Can’t remember the other two. Now we have the BRICs, getting bigger, A second bloc maybe consisting of NATO-EU without Britain and the US. A third could be the English-speaking countries, The US, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ.

    I’m just imagining a possible outcome. But all blocs will have to adhere to what the Globalist/IMF/Trilateral Commission/World Government/World Bank/Davos Group wants….

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