Bride and Groom Spend “Cuban Wedding of Our Dreams” Under a Pile of Rubble – IOTW Report

Bride and Groom Spend “Cuban Wedding of Our Dreams” Under a Pile of Rubble

So, so progressive, to pick Cuba to be the “wedding locale of your dreams.”

So, so, apropos to have the Utopian locale turn dystopian in a blink of an eye.

It’s all a facade… literally.


Couple left distraught after dream £25,000 Cuba wedding turns to disaster when hotel roof COLLAPSED leaving bride permanently scarred and groom with broken ribs

Sarah and John Wenham were both injured the day before the wedding of their dreams.

But they were left fearing for their lives when the lobby roof at Sol Rio De Luna y Mares Hotel, in Cuba, suddenly buckled and collapsed – trapping them underneath and injuring many members of the wedding party, including the bride.

Sarah, 35, said: “We were just about to meet with hotel staff to discuss our wedding plans in the lobby, when John pointed out the ceiling as it started to move.

“A loud ‘bang’ followed as the roof then suddenly collapsed and fell upon us, trapping us underneath.”

35 Comments on Bride and Groom Spend “Cuban Wedding of Our Dreams” Under a Pile of Rubble

  1. I know two people that have taken a big tumble off of a balcony down in Cabo when the railing gave way. One wasn’t bad, second story. The other person fractured their spine. Never trust third world construction.

  2. You call that a scar?

    NHL player Zach Redmond got a skate to the leg in February, and it has left one hell of a nasty sca, which he was happy to show off.
    By Adrian Collins
    One of the inherent dangers of playing ice hockey (apart from the ridiculous hits and getting punched in the face every other week) is that you’re skating around on some seriously sharp blades.
    That’s a danger that Winnpeg Jets player Zach Redmond found out about first hand back in February when he got a skate right in the leg, and it has left a seriously gnarly scar on his leg.

  3. A girl in my nursing class just got kicked out because she went to Cuba with her husband during Christmas break. She didn’t tell the nursing faculty she was going, and then had her mom try to cover for her.

  4. @Jethro…the kicker is that the bamboo scaffolding is actually really well engineered and structurally quite amazing. At first Western glance it looks like the proverbial goat rodeo, but it’s surprisingly, a defensible technique.

  5. Phenry, the Keys are great.

    Key West has tiny beaches and the water isn’t that clear, but this time of year will be a great respite from the cold.
    Plenty of other stuff to do too.

    Rent a scooter or a bicycle for a week and ride around.
    Parking sucks in some areas so leave the car parked.

    Take a tour of the island on a jet-ski. (A pre-shot of tequila works if you get nervous on the watercraft).

    Of course Mallory Square at sunset is a must.
    (They have a bunch of whackadoodle entertainers like the cat trainer).
    The bars are open late but many of the restaurants are not.

    They have sunset cruises with open bars.
    The Tortugas day trip is neat.
    Mel Fisher Museum has recovered treasure.

    If you are driving, do it in the daytime to see the old Henry Flagler railroad trestle and bridges.
    Key West is about 100 miles down from Key Largo.
    Seven Mile Bridge (MM 47 to 40) is about half way.

    Stop and eat or fish at Islamorada.

    Have fun! 🙂

  6. Looking for paradise in a communist Hell hole was their first mistake. Second, staying in a communist constructed death trap – confirmation they’re gullible European leftist lemmings. They should be glad only the ceiling collapsed.
    God takes care of fools and babies.

  7. Dan, I already beat you to it.
    Yes eat at Hogfish and take the jet-ski tour from Stock Island.

    Another thing, ride your bicycle around the old cemetery in the center of Key West…at night.
    No guarantee but you may see an old Civil War spirit.
    Just sayin’

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