Bride Wanted $1,500 A Head To Attend Her “Blow Out Wedding” – IOTW Report

Bride Wanted $1,500 A Head To Attend Her “Blow Out Wedding”

This story has been making the rounds the last few days, but now Fox News is confirming it’s not a hoax. It seems an unmarried couple with a child decided to tie the knot. He went out and bought a ring for $5,000 and they together saved $15,000 to pay for the big day. Then a psychic told them to have the wedding in Aruba, which was going to cost four times as much as they had saved

Undeterred, the couple sent out invitations stating that guest were expected to pony up $1,500 a piece as their wedding gift. More 

27 Comments on Bride Wanted $1,500 A Head To Attend Her “Blow Out Wedding”

  1. What blows me away about this story is that this b*tch is about to go traveling for a month or more to recover from her trauma and to cut herself off from all her former friends with complete disregard for the welfare of her child.

  2. Let’s see a photo….60k buys 10 years of hoochie or a nice BMW with heated seats and Alexa telling me when to turn my radio up near the Great Slave Lake in Canada’s Northern Territories….

  3. If only an earthquake could hit some remote Third World area and she could funnel the relief aid through sham non-profits to fund her dream of being a Kardashian for a day……..oh, wait….someone already did that.

  4. Oh, FFS, go down to the courthouse and legitimize your bastard child. No fairytale wedding. Fairy tales don’t exist and if they did the princess wouldn’t have dropped her panties and gotten knocked up out of wedlock.

  5. Could have had the reception
    at the VFW hall for 300.Everybody
    has a good time at the VFW.Put rest
    of the 15k on a down payment for a home.
    I thought farm people had a triple PHD
    in common sense ???
    BTW= Stay away from Psychics they are of Satan.

  6. Frank, don’t feel bad..

    My family would have to CLIMB a couple rungs on the social-ladder
    to get to ‘white trash’.

    ..and the bride and groom in the story would have to try real hard to get to ‘snake’.

  7. 1500 bucks to see a muy spectacularrrrr train wreck of a wedding in Aruba? I would have so ponied up the dough.


    Because Sugar Bear is f-ing CRAZY. Maybe she was coo beforehand, but this wedding was driving her off the deep end regardless.

    Even if it went off without a hitch, baby girl was gonna’ have a meltdown of epic proportions.

    Also, everything’s paid for for 1500 bucks…. in Aruba. I’ve been to Aruba. A floor show like that costs real money.

  8. Was invited to a very distant wedding several years ago. We were going to spring for our airfare and a $100 or $200 gift. The couple sent a website that gave suggestions for paying for gifts of things they wanted to do on their honeymoon out of the country. X number of dollars for a cruise on such and such river, X number of dollars for this or that. We didn’t attend and sent them 50 bucks.

  9. Call me old fashioned but I cringe when people invite others to dinner, then ask them to “bring dessert,” let alone list out the money and presents they want for a wedding.

    When will people get some class and admit wedding guests are not the couple’s personal ATM?

    I find it disgusting and vulgar.

  10. This screams ENTITLEMENT from the top of the gold plated 10 story “it’s all about ME” house.

    I feel sorry for the kid, can you imagine what it will be like growing up with an “it’s all about ME” mommy?

    I thank the Lord every day for the Mom and Dad I was blessed with, after reading this story, I feel that much more grateful.

    I am not a fan of CPS, but they may be the agency that must protect this child if the extended family will not.

    The ex-hubby should feel even more grateful than I do, he really dodged a life sentence of truly hell on earth if he hitched his wagon to this nightmare from crazy cat lady city.

    MSG Grumpy

  11. Two weddings in the family last year.

    The sad one: the guests were invited to go on the wedding cruise, $1500 minimum, peruse the list of requested gifts – nothing on the list under $100. The couple in their 30’s, own a house. The parents of the bride-groom fabulously well-to-do.

    The other wedding – two kids in their 20’s, both working full time, living with her widowed mother who needs home care. The bride wore an off the rack wedding dress, VFW reception, rented tux, bridesmaids in modest outfits. Not registered for gifts (living with invalid mother so household setting up not needed).

    Guess who got the three-figure check, guess who got a frying pan.

  12. “Blow out wedding” ???
    Not in my book. That’s a “blow it out your ass” invitation insult.

    “I’m sorry, I never received the invitation. It musta got lost in the mail, honey.”

  13. I hope the ex can get custody of the son on grounds that his mother abandoned him for two months to go sulk her way across South America.

    Maybe she’ll meet someone interesting on the trip, someone she can relate to. A cartel thug, for example.


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