Bring on the Libel Suit! – IOTW Report

Bring on the Libel Suit!

Patriot Retort: What a weekend, huh?

First the news media falls all over itself to bang the impeachment drum over a fake story in Buzzfeed.

Then, they close out the weekend by celebrating a drum-banging piece of crap while falling for his fake story hook, line and sinker.


Reflexively joining an uninformed mob going after teenagers mere hours after falling for BuzzFeed’s evidence-free (and false!) Trump-Russia story takes real critical thinking prowess. Congrats to those of you who had this twofer!


And just when you thought their reckless disregard for facts couldn’t get any worse, these same “journalists” spent the better part of the weekend slandering a teenage boy for no other reason than he wore a MAGA hat.

All based on a carefully-edited video and the word of an Indian activist.

Within hours blue-check Twitter users were lining up to encourage harassment and threats against this young man and the other kids from his school

It’s a libel suit just waiting to happen.

As I mentioned in my post from yesterday morning, Robert Barnes stepped up and offered to represent the boys pro bono.  MORE



I sure hope Wheeler Scooter Skipper Jr. gets his name dragged into the lawsuit.


P.S. Jeepers, it’s cold!


15 Comments on Bring on the Libel Suit!

  1. sue, Sue, SUE:

    The Archdiocese of Cincinatti.
    Covington School leadership.
    NY Slimes.

    These ‘racists’ are going to be VERY rich ‘racists’! Yeah!

  2. Yeah… a couple more 3 pointers and it would have been an odd number point spread.

    Anyway, it’s a pretty well off prep school. They play other prep schools.

    None of the other schools got shot up, so it looks like Stoneman Douglas are sore losers.


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