Bristol Palin Asks, “What About the Verbal Sexual Harassment Aimed at My Family?” – IOTW Report

Bristol Palin Asks, “What About the Verbal Sexual Harassment Aimed at My Family?”


David Letterman “joked” about my 14-year-old sister getting knocked up by Alex Rodriguez at a Yankees game in 2009 – also saying the biggest problem my parents would have in New York would be keeping Elliot Spitzer away from my sister – Elliot Spitzer, if you don’t recall, was New York’s governor in 2008, a man who had to resign in the midst of a scandal concerning his solicitation of prostitutes.

“Then, there’s Azeala Banks. This rapper’s Twitter account remained OPEN after these tweets about my mom just in 2016: ‘Sarah Palin needs to have her hair shaved off to a buzz cut, get headf**ked by a big veiny, ashy, black dick then be locked in a cupboard.’” Palin reemphasized that nothing happened to Banks’s Twitter account following her loathsome remarks.

Tyson was asked if he’d vote for my mom for allegedly being “open to having sex with black men.” He can’t vote, of course, being a felon, but he said my mom “could always get boned out by a black person, a vote to bang her. Other than a vote to run office, the only thing she can do … she’s not a bad person because she likes black people at least in her.”


Bristol is missing a lot of disgusting quotable quotes.

Her essay points out the hypocrisy of Hollywood. While they frantically police any physical sexual harassment, citing zero tolerance, so far they have given wide berth to celebrities that try to be as vile as they can towards certain political adversaries.

I understand her point. Wisely, she is not asking for anything to be done institutionally, because we still have the 1st amendment in this country. But she is asking for a little self-policing by the crowd currently in high dudgeon about all things harassment.


13 Comments on Bristol Palin Asks, “What About the Verbal Sexual Harassment Aimed at My Family?”

  1. Next to PDT, I have always felt that the things said and done to Sarah Palin were so vile and no one said anything. To be blamed for Gabby Gifford’s being shot to a scumbag moving in next door to her, to ALL of her emails being rifled through by a massive number of people. To me the most atrocious was attacking her youngest son and questioning who his Mom is. That really was when I lost ALL respect for McStain for never sticking up for her.

  2. The reason the left doesn’t police that type of hate speech is because they agree with it. They hate SP and do wish those horrible things upon her. Conservatives need to stop trying to win the left over and to punch back twice as hard.

  3. Tom–Sarah was a private citizen after she resigned from being Governor. That is when the guy moved in next door and the press blamed her for Gabby Giffords’ shooting and any number of other horrible things they drug out. So, I don’t get your argument–sorry. I agree everyone has a 1st Amendment right to say what they want unless they are conservatives and you better not say anything about Obama (who was a public figure BTW). Now, let’s do the children okay? It was okay to go after Palin’s children, Bush’s children, Trump’s minor child BUT not okay to go after Carter’s child, Clinton’s child, Obama’s children. Now, do that…

  4. Tom December 2, 2017 at 5:52 pm

    Except the Palin’s were public figures and a secretary or an aid is not. They were targets because of who they were. Not that it was right but it is different.

    No female, no matter who they are should be subjected to such vile comments. People say that the children of the President is off limits, yet people of no stature make the most vile comments about them. Why is it that people have to make such hateful comments about people that they do not know or have ever met? What has Sarah Palin ever done to anyone or Melania? Are you saying that because a woman is a public figure that they are fair game?

  5. The Palin’s had a reality TV show……my only distinction is that a public figure is exposed to comments where a secretary or unknown actress is not expecting such comments. Talking about speech and not sexual assault.

  6. The asshole probably wouldn’t pull that shit today knowing her hubby could turn their brains into Pink Mist from about a mile. Dakota Meyer’s IG page is one I follow. A very impressive young family man.

  7. Sara Palin is deserving of chivalry.
    I think there ought to be a means of physical satisfaction when insulted so.
    If some asswipe knew they would be pushed into a circle to fight for their life with a hammer, they might not be so loose of lip.

  8. @Goldenfox—
    “Why is it that people have to make such hateful comments about people that they do not know or have ever met?”

    Simply because they are too damn stupid to know or even care to know the facts and likewise, they are too ignorant to think for themselves, i.e. they find it easiest to simply repeat the horseshit they’ve been taught from the MSM.
    It’s no more complicated than that.

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